Page 51 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 51

Information & Technology Committee  dibentuk  untuk     The Information & Technology Committee was formed to
            membantu Direksi dalam memastikan ketersediaan    assists the Board of Directors in ensuring the availability of
            teknologi dan sistem informasi yang andal dan optimal   reliable and optimal technology and information systems
            untuk   berjalannya  operasional  dan  pengelolaan  for the Company's operations and management, while
            Perseroan, serta memantau kegiatan penyelenggaraan   also overseeing the implementation and preparedness
            dan  kesiapan  infrastruktur  teknologi  informasi.  Di   of the information technology infrastructure. In 2023,
            tahun 2023, Information & Technology Committee telah   the  Information  &  Technology  Committee  conducted
            menyelenggarakan rapat sebanyak 2 (dua) kali rapat   two meetings, with the agenda such as reporting on
            dengan  agenda,  yaitu  terkait  pelaporan  status  proyek  IT   the progress of IT projects, reassessing project priorities,
            dan penentuan kembali prioritas proyek TI, pelaporan   and providing updates on projects like the Institutional
            status proyek pembaharuan sistem Perdagangan Institusi   Trading system renewal, Backoffice system upgrade, and
            dan status upgrade sistem Backoffice, serta status proyek   Online Trading system.
            sistem Online Trading.

            Untuk  periode  tahun  buku  2023,  Direksi  menilai  seluruh   During the 2023 fiscal year period, the Board of Directors
            komite di bawah Direksi telah melaksanakan peran dan   assessed that all committees under its purview performed
            tugasnya dengan efektif dan efisien melalui rekomendasi   their  roles  and  duties  effectively  and  efficiently.  The
            dan masukan yang telah disampaikan yang dinilai telah   recommendations and inputs provided by these
            membantu pelaksanaan tugas Direksi.               committees were deemed helpful in the implementation
                                                              of the Board of Directors duties.

            Penerapan Kinerja Keberlanjutan
            Implementation of Sustainability Performance

            BRIDS   terus  menunjukkan  konsistensinya  dalam  BRIDS consistently demonstrates its commitment to
            mewujudkan komitmen menjaga dan menerapkan        maintain  and  implement  sustainable  finance  principles,
            prinsip keuangan berkelanjutan melalui visi menjadi "The   guided  by  the  vision  of  becoming  "The  Most  Valuable
            Most  Valuable  Securities  House  in  Indonesia" dengan   Securities House in Indonesia" by adhering to sustainable
            menerapkan prinsip bisnis berkelanjutan yang dijalankan   business principles. This vision is pursued through three
            melalui 3 (tiga) pilar strategi yaitu Peningkatan Kapasitas   strategic pillars: Internal Capacity Building, Organizational
            Internal, Penyesuaian Organisasi, Tata Kelola dan SOP   Adjustment, Governance, and SOP, as well as the
            dan  Pengembangan  Produk  dan/atau  Jasa  Keuangan   Development of Sustainable Finance Products and/or
            Berkelanjutan yang terangkum dalam Rencana Aksi   Services, outlined in the Company's Sustainable Finance
            Keuangan  Berkelanjutan  Perseroan  tahun  2022-2026.   Action  Plan  2022-2026.  Additionally,  BRIDS  formulated
            Selain itu, BRIDS juga telah merumuskan “BRIDS ESG   "BRIDS  ESG  2023,"  which  covered  three  aspects:
            2023” yang mencakup 3 (tiga) aspek yakni Environmental,   Environmental, Social, and Governance, to support
            Social dan  Governance untuk mendukung tiga pilar   the  three  pillars  of  the  Company's  sustainable  finance
            strategi keuangan berkelanjutan Perseroan.        strategies.

            Melalui kerangka keberlanjutan tersebut, BRIDS telah   Through the sustainability framework, BRIDS formulated
            merumuskan   inisiatif  strategis  untuk  mendukung  strategic initiatives to support the implementation of
            penerapan keuangan berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Inisiatif   sustainable  finance  in  Indonesia.  The  initiatives  aim
            ini bertujuan untuk membantu Indonesia mencapai   to assist Indonesia in achieving a green economy and
            ekonomi hijau dan mencapai target  Net Zero Emission,   reaching its Net Zero Emission target, while accelerating
            seiring dengan mempercepat berbagai pertumbuhan   growth  to  deliver  optimal  social  benefits  in  alignment
            yang memberikan manfaat sosial optimal dalam rangka   with the Sustainable Development Goals.
            mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan.

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  51  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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