Page 191 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 191

Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan
            Profile of Corporate Secretary

            Saat ini Sekretaris Perusahaan dijabat oleh Sdr. Moh Burhan   Presently, Mr. Moh Burhan Sukarmo Widodo serves
            Sukarmo Widodo yang diangkat oleh Direksi berdasarkan   as the Corporate Secretary, appointed by the Board of
            Surat  Keputusan  No.  S29-039AVII-DEKOM  tanggal  14   Directors under Decree No. S29-039AVII-DEKOM dated
            Juli 2020. Pengangkatan Sekretaris Perusahaan telah   July 14 , 2020. His appointment has considered factors
            mempertimbangkan kualifikasi pendidikan, pengalaman   such as educational background, work experiences, and
            kerja  dan  kualifikasi  sesuai  dengan  kebutuhan  bisnis   qualifications relevant to the Company's operations.

            Berikut profil Sekretaris Direksi Perseroan:      The  following  is  the  Corporate  Secretary  profile  of  the
                                                              Company's Board of Directors:

                                            Warga Negara Indonesia, berusia 48 tahun dan berdomisili di Jakarta.
                                            Indonesian citizen, 48 years old. Resides in Jakarta.

                                            Dasar Pengangkatan:             Decree of Appointment:
                                            Surat  Keputusan  No.  S29-039AVII-DEKOM   Decree No. S29-039AVII-DEKOM dated July
                                            tanggal 14 Juli 2020.           14 , 2020.
                                            Riwayat Pendidikan:             Education:
               Moh. Burhan Sukarmo          Beliau memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi,   He graduated as a Bachelor of Economics,
                       Widodo               jurusan  Manajemen,  Universitas  Trisakti   majoring  in  Management,  Trisakti
                                                                            University (1999).
                                            tahun 1999.
                  Sekretaris Perusahaan
                    Corporate Secretary     Riwayat Jabatan:                Career History:
                                            Sebelum menjabat sebagai Sekretaris   Before assuming the role of Corporate
                                            Perusahaan, Beliau pernah menjabat di   Secretary, He held various positions
                                            beberapa perusahaan lainnya dengan   in several companies. He worked as a
                                            berbagai  posisi,  antara  lain  sebagai  Business Development Manager at ABN
                                            Business  Development  Manager,  ABN   Amro Bank from 2000 to 2009; as a Contact
                                            Amro Bank tahun 2000-2009; Contact   Centre Head at Barclays Bank from 2009 to
                                            Center Head, Bank Barclays tahun 2019-  2010; and as a Retail Distribution  Division
                                            2010; dan Retail Distribution Division Head,   Head at PT Danareksa Sekuritas in 2010-
                                            PT Danareksa Sekuritas tahun 2010-2020.  2020.
                                            Pelatihan yang diikuti tahun 2023:  Training attended in 2023:
                                            -  IT  Awareness & Sosialisasi Implementasi   -  IT Awareness & Socialization of ISO 27001
                                             ISO 27001;                      Implementation;
                                            -  Internalisasi Perlindungan Konsumen   -  Internalization of Consumer Protection
                                             (POJK Nomor 6 /POJK.07/2022 Tentang   (FSA Regulation No. 6/POJK.07/2022
                                             Perlindungan Konsumen dan Masyarakat   concerning  Consumer  and  Public
                                             Di Sektor Jasa Keuangan serta Undang-  Protection in the Financial Services
                                             Undang  Nomor  4  Tahun  2023 tentang   Sector and Law No. 4 of 2023 concerning
                                             Pengembangan dan Penguatan Sektor   Development and Strengthening of the
                                             Keuangan);                      Financial Sector);
                                            -  Sosialisasi  Performance Management   -  Socialization of Performance Management
                                             Enhancement BRIDS 2023;         Enhancement BRIDS 2023;
                                            -  Update Progress ISO 27001;   -  ISO 27001 Progress Update;
                                            -  Talent  Development  Program:   -  Talent  Development  Program:
                                             Pembelajaran Analisis Fundamental;  Fundamental Analysis Course;
                                            -  Talent Development Program: Project   -  Talent Development Program: Project
                                             Management Training;            Management Training;
                                            -  Program  Pendidikan  Berkelanjutan:  -  Continuing  Education  Program:
                                             Internalisasi POJK Nomor 8 Tahun   Internalization  of FSA  Regulation  No.  8
                                             2023  tentang  Penerapan  Program  of 2023 concerning the Implementation
                                             Anti  Pencucian  Uang,  Pencegahan  of Anti-Money Laundering Programs,
                                             Pendanaan Terorisme, dan Pencegahan   Prevention of Financing of Terrorism, and
                                             Pendanaan Proliferasi Senjata Pemusnah   Prevention of Financing the Proliferation
                                             Massal di Sektor Jasa Keuangan;  of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the
                                                                             Financial Services Sector;

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  191  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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