Page 192 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 192

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
                                             Corporate Governance

                                            -  Program  Pendidikan  Berkelanjutan:  -  Continuing Education Program: E-IPO &
                                              E-IPO  dan  Akselerasi  Pertumbuhan  Company Growth Acceleration by IPO;
                                              Perusahaan dengan IPO;
                                            -  Talent Development Program: Manage   -  Talent Development Program: Manage
                                              Ego and Distraction;            Ego and Distraction;
                                            -  Sosialisasi Bursa Karbon; dan  -  Socialization of Carbon Exchange; and
                                            -  Talent Development Program: Effective   -  Talent Development Program: Effective
                                              Communication  and    Impactful  Communication  and   Impactful
                                              Prsentation Skills.             Presentation Skills.

                                            Nomor Wakil Perantara Pedagang Efek   Broker-Dealer  Representative  (WPPE)
                                            (WPPE):                          License Number:
                                            No. KEP-873/PM.212/PJ-WPPE/2021  No. KEP-873/PM.212/PJ-WPPE/2021

                                            Rangkap Jabatan:                 Concurrent Position:
                                            Beliau tidak memiliki rangkap jabatan,   He does not hold any concurrent positions
                                            baik di Perusahaan maupun perusahaan   in the Company and other companies.

                                            Hubungan Afiliasi:               Affiliation:
                                            Beliau  tidak  memiliki  hubungan  afiliasi   He  has  no  affiliation  with  any  other
                                            dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi   members of the Board of Commissioners,
                                            dan/atau Pemegang Saham.         Board of Directors and/or Shareholders.

            Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan
            Duties and Responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary

            Sekretaris Perusahaan memiliki tugas dan tanggung   The Corporate Secretary has duties and responsibilities,
            jawab, antara lain:                               including:
            1.  Memberikan masukan kepada manajemen untuk     1.  Providing input to management regarding the use of
               penggunaan identitas visual Perusahaan, khususnya   the Company's visual identity, particularly in marketing
               pada perangkat pemasaran;                        tools;
            2.  Melakukan kontrol atas brand image Perusahaan atas   2.  Controlling the Company's brand image for published
               materi-materi yang akan dipublikasikan  yang sesuai   materials in alignment with corporate identity and
               dengan  corporate identity dan  corporate design   corporate design guidelines;
            3.  Membuat marketing plan untuk produk-produk yang   3.  Developing marketing plans for Company products,
               dikeluarkan Perusahaan, termasuk mengkoordinasikan   including coordinating activities/events, collaborating
               aktivitas/acara dan atau melakukan kerja sama dengan   with relevant parties, and composing themes, concepts,
               pihak terkait, menyusun tema, konsep, desain, materi   designs, materials, and promotional guidelines as well
               dan guideline promosi serta branding;            as branding;
            4.  Menjalankan komunikasi Perusahaan dengan pihak   4.  Managing the Company's communication with external
               eksternal agar  dapat tersampaikan dengan  baik   parties to ensure timely and appropriate conveyance, as
               dengan porsi yang sesuai dan waktu yang tepat serta   well as to anticipate the occurrence of any reputational
               untuk mengantisipasi  reputational risk issue yang   risk issues affecting the Company;
               berkembang dan berpengaruh terhadap Perusahaan;
            5.  Melakukan  monitoring  berita  terkait  BRIDS,  di  media   5.  Monitoring news about BRIDS across print and online
               cetak maupun online, serta menjalankan fungsi media   media, and conducting media coverage activities such
               coverage baik berupa artikel,  press release ataupun   as articles, press releases, or similar functions;
               kegiatan lainnya;
            6.  Mengkoordinasikan   penyusunan   Annual  Report,   6.  Coordinating the preparation of the Annual Report,
               Company  Profile, Kalender dan Kartu Ucapan      Company  Profile,  Calendar,  and  Religious  Greeting
               keagamaan;                                       Cards;
            7.  Memutakhirkan secara berkala informasi  yang harus   7.  Regularly updating information for publication on the
               dimuat dalam website Perusahaan serta sosial media   Company's website and other social media platforms;

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