Page 195 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 195

Profil Kepala Divisi Internal Audit
            Head of Internal Audit Division Profile

                                         Warga Negara Indonesia, kelahiran Bukit Tinggi, 7 Juli 1974.
                                         Usia saat ini 48 tahun. Berdomisili di Jakarta, Indonesia.
                                         Indonesian Citizen, born in Bukit Tinggi on July 7 , 1974 (49 years old).
                                         Resides in Jakarta, Indonesia.

                                         Dasar Pengangkatan:              Decree of Appointment:
                                         Surat Keputusan No. S-28/265/V/HR tanggal   Decree No. S-28/265/V/HR dated May 13 , 2019.
                                         13 Mei 2019.
                 Ade Kusmayadi           Riwayat Pendidikan:              Education:
                                         Meraih  gelar  Sarjana  Ekonomi,  Jurusan   Graduated as a Bachelor of Economics, majoring
              Kepala Divisi Internal Audit  Akuntansi, Universitas Indonesia tahun 1997   in Accounting,  University of Indonesia in 1997
              Head of Internal Audit Division  dan Magister Manajemen Investasi, Institut   and  as  a  Master  of  Investment  Management
                                         Pengembangan  Manajemen  Indonesia  from Indonesian Management Development
                                         (IPMI)  tahun 2004.              Institute (IPMI) in 2004.
                                         Riwayat Jabatan:                 Career History:
                                         Memiliki  pengalaman  lebih  dari  20  tahun   Having more than 20 years of experience
                                         bekerja di fungsi Audit Internal, Manajemen   working in Internal Audit, Risk Management
                                         Risiko & Kepatuhan di Indonesia Capital   & Compliance in the Indonesia Capital Market
                                         Market Self Regulatory Organization (Bursa   Self-Regulatory Organization (Indonesia Stock
                                         Efek  Indonesia),  Perusahaan  Sekuritas  Exchange), Global Securities Companies (Royal
                                         Global (Royal Bank of Scotland Group),   Bank of Scotland Group), and Stateowned
                                         dan Perusahaan Sekuritas milik negara   Securities Companies (Danareksa & BRI Group).
                                         (Danareksa & BRI Group).
                                         Sertifikasi Profesi:             Professional Certification:
                                         -  Izin Wakil Perusahaan Efek oleh OJK   -  Securities  Company  Representatives
                                          untuk Wakil Manajer Investasi (Izin Wakil   License  by  Financial  Services  Authority  (OJK)
                                          Manajer Investasi);               for  Investment  Manager  Representative
                                                                            (Investment Manager Representative License);
                                         -  Izin Wakil Perusahaan Efek oleh OJK   -  Securities Company Representatives License
                                          untuk  Perantara  Pedagang  Efek  (Izin   by Financial Services Authority (OJK) for
                                          Wakil Perantara Pedagang Efek);   Broker Dealer (Broker-Dealer Representative
                                         -  Sertifikat Penyelesaian Program Pelatihan   -  Certificate  of  Accomplishment  of  Training
                                          Profesi  Penanaman  Modal  (TPIP).  Materi   Program for Investment Professional (TPIP).
                                          ujian  Program  berdasarkan  bidang  The Program material and examination
                                          yang diuji dalam ujian dan pembacaan   are based on areas tested in the most
                                          Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) terbaru   recent Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
                                          yang ditentukan oleh ICFA.        examination and reading prescribed by ICFA.
                                         Pelatihan yang diikuti tahun 2023:  Training attended in 2023:
                                         -  Program Pendidikan Berkelanjutan Wakil   -  Broker-Dealer Representative Continuing
                                          Perantara Pedagang Efek (PPL WPPE);   Education Program (CE-WPPE);
                                         -  BLMI  Masterclass - BUMN  School of   -  BLMI Masterclass - BUMN School of
                                          Excellence Governance Risk Compliance;  Excellence Governance Risk Compliance;
                                         -  Workshop  Internal  Audit  bagi  Anggota   -  Internal Audit Workshop for Exchange
                                          Bursa oleh PT Bursa Efek Indonesia;  Members by PT Bursa Efek Indonesia;
                                         -  Konferensi Audit Internal Tahun 2023 oleh   -  Internal  Audit  Conference  2023  by  Internal
                                          Yayasan Pendidikan Internal Audit (YPIA).   Audit Education Foundation (YPIA).
                                         Rangkap Jabatan:                 Concurrent Position:
                                         Beliau tidak memiliki rangkap jabatan, baik   He does not hold any concurrent positions in
                                         di Perusahaan maupun perusahaan lainnya.  the Company and other companies.
                                         Hubungan Afiliasi:               Affiliation:
                                         Beliau  tidak  memiliki  hubungan  afiliasi   He has no affiliation with any other members of
                                         dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi   the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors
                                         dan/atau Pemegang Saham.         and/or Shareholders.

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