Page 188 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 188

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
                                             Corporate Governance

            Komite Pengarah Teknologi Informasi

            Information Technology Steering Committee

            Komite Teknologi Informasi membantu Direksi dalam   The Information Technology Committee assists the
            memastikan ketersediaan teknologi dan sistem informasi   Board of Directors in ensuring the availability of reliable
            yang andal dan optimal untuk berjalannya operasional   and optimal technology and information systems for
            dan pengelolaan Perseroan, serta memantau kegiatan   the Company's operations and management, while also
            penyelenggaraan dan kesiapan infrastruktur teknologi   overseeing the implementation and preparedness of the
            informasi.                                        information technology infrastructure.

            Struktur Keanggotaan Komite Pengarah Teknologi Informasi
            Membership Structure of Information Technology Steering Committee

            Komite Pengarah TI dibentuk sesuai dengan Keputusan   The IT Steering Committee was established following the
            Direksi Nomor KD.009/BRIDS/07/2021 tanggal 9 Juli 2021.   Board of Directors Decree No. KD.009/BRIDS/07/2021 on
            Struktur keanggotaan Komite Pengarah TI tahun 2023   July 9 , 2021. The composition of the IT Steering Committee
            adalah sebagai berikut:                           in 2023 was as follows:
                             Struktur Keanggotaan                                  Jabatan
                             Membership Structure                                  Position
             Direktur Utama President Director                  Ketua Chairman
             Direktur Operation, Finance & Technology           Wakil Ketua I
             Managing Director Operations, Finance & Technology  Vice Chairman I
             Direktur Institutional & Retail Capital Market     Wakil Ketua II
             Managing Director Institutional & Retail Capital Market  Vice Chairman Ii
             Kepala Divisi Information Technology               Sekretaris
             Head of Information Technology Division            Secretary
             Anggota                                            - Kepala Divisi Risk Management & KYC AML
             Member                                             - Kepala Divisi Legal & Compliance
                                                                - Kepala Divisi Business Operation & Custody
                                                                - Kepala Divisi Retail Customer Distribution
                                                                - Kepala Divisi Alternative Product & Services
                                                                - Kepala Divisi Institutional Equity Capital Market
                                                                - Kepala Divisi Institutional Debt Capital Market
                                                                - Kepala Divisi Business Strategy & Development
                                                                - Kepala Divisi Corporate Secretary
                                                                - Head of Risk Management & KYC AML Division
                                                                - Head of Legal & Compliance Division
                                                                - Head of Business Operation & Custody Division
                                                                - Head of Retail Customer Distribution Division
                                                                - Head of Alternative Product & Services Division
                                                                - Head of Institutional Equity Capital Market Division
                                                                - Head of Institutional Debt Capital Market Division
                                                                - Head of Business Strategy & Development Division
                                                                - Head of Corporate Secretary Division

            Piagam Komite Pengarah Teknologi Informasi
            Information Technology Steering Committee Charter

            Dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya,    The IT Steering Committee implements its functions
            Komite Teknologi Informasi berpedoman pada Keputusan   by referring to the Decree of the Board of Directors
            Direksi Nomor KD.009/BRIDS/07/2021 yang memuat    No. KD.009/BRIDS/07/2021 which contains provisions
            ketentuan, termasuk tugas, tanggung jawab dan     regarding the tasks, responsibilities and authorities of the
            wewenang Komite Pengarah Teknologi Informasi.     Information Technology Steering Committee.

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