Page 190 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 190

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
                                             Corporate Governance

            Sekretaris Perusahaan

            Corporate Secretary

            Sekretaris Perusahaan sebagai organ pendukung Direksi   The Corporate Secretary, as a supporting organ for the
            dalam pelaksanaan tata kelola perusahaan berperan   Board of Directors in implementing corporate governance,
            penting dalam memastikan aspek transparansi dijalankan   plays a crucial role in ensuring the Company's transparency
            Perseroan melalui penyediaan informasi yang memadai,   aspect by providing stakeholders with sufficient, accurate,
            akurat dan relevan untuk para pemangku kepentingan.   and relevant information. The Corporate Secretary also
            Sekretaris Perusahaan memfasilitasi pengelolaan program   facilitates  an  efficient  communication  program  between
            komunikasi yang efektif antara Perseroan dan pemangku   the Company and its stakeholders to maintain the
            kepentingan untuk menjaga citra positif Perseroan.   Company's positive reputation.

            Struktur Organisasi Divisi Sekretaris Perusahaan
            Organizational Structure of Corporate Secretary Division

            Sekretaris Perusahaan merupakan pejabat satu tingkat di   The Corporate Secretary is positioned directly under the
            bawah Direksi yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepada   Board of Directors and reports directly to the President
            Direktur Utama. Sekretaris Perusahaan membawahi   Director. The Corporate Secretary supervises several
            beberapa Unit fungsi sebagaimana tertuang dalam   functional Units, as outlined in Board of Directors Decree
            Keputusan Direksi Nomor KD.015/BRIDS/06/23 tanggal 27   No.  KD.015/BRIDS/06/23, dated on June 27 , 2023.
            Juni 2023 berikut ini.

                                                  PRESIDENT DIRECTOR

                                                      DIVISION HEAD
                                                     Corporate Secretary

                       Unit Head                        Unit Head
                    Corporate Affairs &          Corporate Communication &
                      Administration                 Public Information

                    Corporate Affairs &
                   Administration Officer         Communication & Public                 Secretary
                                                     Information Officer

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