Page 117 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 117

Tinjauan Kondisi Pasar Obligasi 2023
            Bonds Market Outlook 2023

            Tekanan global, terutama kebijakan dari The Fed,   Global pressures, particularly the policies of The Fed,
            berperan cukup besar dalam pergerakan pasar obligasi   significantly influenced the movement of the bond market
            di tahun 2023. Imbal hasil obligasi pemerintah Amerika   in 2023. The yield on 10-year U.S Treasury bonds rose to
            Serikat (AS) atau US Treasury 10-tahun sempat naik hingga   4.98%  in  October  2023,  marking  the  highest  level  since
            ke  level  4,98%  di  bulan  Oktober  2023  yang  merupakan   2007. Several factors drove the increase in U.S Treasury
            level tertingginya sejak tahun 2007. Beberapa faktor   yields. These included the upward trend of the Fed Funds
            yang mendorong peningkatan imbal hasil US Treasury   Rate (FFR) throughout 2023 and indications suggesting it
            tersebut adalah tren peningkatan suku bunga Fed Funds   would maintain a higher for longer stance. Additionally,
            Rate (FFR) selama tahun 2023 dan indikasi akan tetap   the rise in term premium and the substantial supply of U.S
            berada dalam kebijakan suku bunga tinggi dalam waktu   Treasury, fueled by both U.S demand and capital outflows
            lama (higher for longer stance). Selain itu, naiknya  term   from major holders like China and Japan, contributed
            premium serta tingginya pasokan US Treasury baik karena   to the increase. Consequently, U.S Treasury yields saw a
            kebutuhan AS maupun akibat adanya aliran modal keluar   decline from November to December due to a decrease
            dari pemegang utama US Treasury seperti China dan   in  the  U.S  Treasury  supply  target,  a  reduction  in  term
            Jepang turun mendorong naiknya imbal hasil US Treasury.   premium, and the Fed's decision to maintain the FFR at
            Selanjutnya, imbal hasil US Treasury kembali mengalami   its current level.
            penurunan  sejak  November  hingga  Desember  karena
            turunnya target pasokan US Treasury, menurunnya term
            premium, serta keputusan The Fed untuk menjaga FFR di
            level nya saat itu.

            Sementara itu, imbal hasil Surat Berharga Negara (SBN)   Meanwhile,  Government  Securities  (SBN)  yields
            cenderung bergerak secara volatil selama tahun 2023.   experienced volatility throughout 2023. Specifically, the 10-
            Tercatat, imbal hasil SBN 10-tahun sempat turun di bulan   year SBN yield dropped in January to 6.66% from 6.94% at
            Januari  menjadi  6,66%  dari  6,94%  di  akhir  tahun  2022,   the end of 2022 and subsequently rose to 7.05% due to the
            kemudian meningkat ke level 7,05% karena sentimen   sentiment surrounding the crisis of several regional banks
            krisis  beberapa  bank  regional  di AS  dan  diiringi  dengan   in the U.S, along with strict policies implemented by the
            kebijakan ketat yang diambil oleh The Fed. Selanjutnya,   Fed. Furthermore, SBN yields decreased again to 6.18% due
            imbal hasil SBN kembali mengalami penurunan hingga   to various factors, including the stabilization of BI interest
            ke level 6,18% akibat beberapa faktor seperti stabilnya suku   rates amid an increase in the FFR, as well as various BI
            bunga BI di tengah kenaikan FFR termasuk juga berbagai   and Government policy stimuli aimed at maintaining
            stimulus kebijakan BI dan Pemerintah agar kondisi   stable and attractive domestic market conditions, leading
            pasar domestik tetap stabil dan menarik sehingga aliran   to  foreign  capital  inflows  of  Rp50.9  trillion  during  March
            modal asing dapat masuk sebesar Rp50,9 triliun selama   to  July  2023.  However,  global  pressures  increased  again
            bulan Maret hingga Juli 2023. Namun demikian, tekanan   as the dolan index strengthened to 107 in October and
            global kembali meningkat seiring dengan menguatnya   pushed the Rupiah weaker to Rp15,940 per USD. The
            indeks dolan hingga mencapai 107 di bulan Oktober dan   pressure prompted BI to raise the BI rate by 25bps to 6.00%
            mendorong pelemahan Rupiah menjadi Rp15.940 per   after stopping the rate hike for nine consecutive months.
            USD. Tekanan tersebut mendorong BI kembali menaikkan   This triggered SBN yields to increase to 7.26% in October
            suku  bunga  BI  sebesar  25bps  menjadi  6.00%  setelah   and foreign capital outflow of Rp44.8 trillion from August
            menghentikan  kenaikan  suku  bunga  selama  Sembilan   to October. Towards the end of 2023, global pressures
            bulan berturut-turut. Hal tersebut memicu imbal hasil   eased and pushed SBN yields back into a downward trend,
            SBN kembali meningkat menjadi 7,26% di bulan Oktober   closing at 6.48%.
            dan  aliran  modal  keluar  investor  asing  sebesar  Rp44,8
            triliun selama bulan Agustus hingga Oktober. Mendekati
            akhir 2023, tekanan global mereda dan mendorong imbal
            hasil SBN kembali dalam tren penurunan dan ditutup di
            level 6,48%.

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