Page 113 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 113

Tren Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dunia Tahun 2021-2023 (%)
                                          World Economic Growth Trend 2021 - 2023 (%)


                                                            4,1                             4,1
                                                                     2,6           3,1

                           2021                            2022                            2023

                   World              Emerging Market & Developing Economics           Advances Economics

            *estimasi *estimation
            Sumber: World Economic Outlook (WEO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Januari 2024
            Source: World Economic Outlook (WEO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), January 2024

            Penurunan  inflasi  global  juga  berjalan  lambat  di  tengah   The  global  inflation  declines  also  progressed  slowly
            pengetatan kebijakan moneter bank sentral di banyak   amidst central bank monetary policy tightening in many
            negara.  Inflasi  global  diprakirakan  turun  menjadi  6,8%   countries.  Global  inflation  was  forecasted  to  decline  to
            pada Desember 2023, dengan inflasi negara maju tercatat   6.8% by December 2023, with developed country inflation
            3,3%,  sementara  inflasi  negara  EMDEs  tercatat  9,3%.   at  3.3%,  while  inflation  in  EMDEs  stood  at  9.3%.  The
            Penurunan inflasi sejalan dengan penurunan harga energi   decline  in  inflation  was  consistent  with  the  decrease  in
            dan  pangan  dan  dampak dari pengetatan  kebijakan   energy and food prices, alongside the impact of central
            moneter bank sentral di banyak negara. Meski demikian,   bank monetary policy tightening in numerous countries.
            inflasi di negara-negara maju masih jauh di atas sasaran   Nonetheless,  inflation  in  advanced  economies  remained
            yang ingin dicapai, yaitu 2%, sedangkan di kebanyakan   significantly above its 2% target, while in most EMDEs, it
            negara EMDEs telah di bawah sasaran. Nilai tukar dolar AS   had already fallen below the target. The strength of the
            pada tahun 2023 tetap kuat. Fenomena sangat kuatnya   US dollar exchange rate persisted throughout 2023. This
            dolar AS ini memberi tekanan pelemahan (depresiasi)   phenomenon of a robust US dollar exerted downward
            mata uang di berbagai negara.                     pressure (depreciation) on currencies in numerous

            Sedangkan dinamika perekonomian nasional terhitung   Meanwhile, the dynamics of the national economy were
            lebih terjaga, walaupun dinamika perekonomian global   relatively more manageable, despite the weakening global
            yang melemah. Meskipun isu pada awal tahun 2023   economic trends. Although there were concerns about
            terjadi resesi, namun hal tersebut perlahan menjadi   recession at the beginning of 2023, optimism gradually
            optimis untuk tumbuh lebih baik sejak triwulan III 2023.   emerged, particularly since the 3  quarter of 2023. As the
            Memasuki triwulan IV 2023, berbagai indikator terkini   4  quarter of 2023 began, several recent indicators such
            seperti penjualan eceran, indeks keyakinan konsumen,   as retail sales, consumer confidence index, cement sales,
            penjualan semen, dan  Purchasing Manager’s Index   and the Purchasing  Manager's  Index  (PMI) indicated
            (PMI)  yang  berada  pada  zona  ekspansi  mengonfirmasi   expansion, confirming the sustained economic growth in
            berlanjutnya pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Sehingga   Indonesia. By the end of 2023, Indonesia had managed to
            pada akhir tahun  2023,  Indonesia  berhasil mencatatkan   achieve economic growth of 5.05%, albeit lower than the
            pertumbuhan   ekonomi  sebesar  5,05%,  walaupun  growth recorded in 2022, which stood at 5.31%.
            memang lebih rendah dibanding capaian tahun 2022
            yang mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 5,31%.

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  113  Integrated Annual Report 2023
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118