Page 18 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 18

Kinerja Utama 2023
                  Key Performance in 2023

            Peristiwa Penting Tahun 2023

            Significant Events of 2023

                      25 Februari 2023        Employee Gathering BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 2023: “Ohana Means
                      February 25 , 2023      Family, Family Means Nobody Get Left Behind”
                                              Employee Gathering BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 2023: “Ohana Means Family,
                                              Family Means Nobody Get Left Behind”
                                              BRIDS menyelenggarakan kegiatan Employee Gathering BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
                                              2023 dengan tema “Ohana Means Family, Family Means Nobody Get Left Behind”
                                              yang berlokasi di Bali. Kegiatan yang dihadiri seluruh keluarga BRIDS ini bertujuan
                                              untuk meningkatkan engagement dan sense of belonging Pegawai terhadap
                                              Perusahaan, serta meningkatkan kolaborasi dan kerja sama antar Pegawai demi
                                              tercapainya visi dan misi Perusahaan.
                                              BRIDS organized the BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 2023, Employee Gathering with
                                              the theme "Ohana Means Family, Family Means Nobody Gets Left Behind" in Bali.
                                              The activity, attended by the entire BRIDS family, aimed to increase employee
                                              engagement and sense of belonging to the Company, as well as to enhance
                                              collaboration and cooperation between employees to achieve the Company's vision
                                              and mission.

                      25 Februari 2023        Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) “BRIDS Peduli”: Penanaman 500
                      February 25 , 2023      Bibit Pohon Mangrove di Bali; “Plant Together, Live Longer”
                                              Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) "BRIDS Care": Planting 500 Mangrove
                                              Tree Seedlings in Bali; "Plant Together, Live Longer"
                                              BRIDS melalui program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) “BRIDS Peduli”
                                              melakukan kegiatan penanaman 500 bibit pohon mangrove dan pelepasan burung
                                              ke alam bebas dengan tema “Plant Together, Live Longer”, berlokasi di Pura Dalem
                                              Gaing Mas dan Taman Hutan Raya (TAHURA) Ngurah Rai, Bali. Kegiatan tersebut
                                              ditujukan sebagai komitmen dan tanggung jawab Perusahaan terhadap pelestarian
                                              lingkungan, dan implementasi prinsip Environment, Social & Governance (ESG), untuk
                                              menyelaraskan kepentingan ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan hidup.
                                              BRIDS conducted the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program "BRIDS Care,"
                                              which involved planting 500 mangrove tree seedlings and releasing birds into the wild
                                              under the theme "Plant Together, Live Longer." The event took place at Pura Dalem
                                              Gaing Mas and Ngurah Rai Forest Park (TAHURA), Bali. This initiative represented
                                              the Company's commitment and responsibility to environmental preservation and
                                              the implementation of Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) principles, aimed at
                                              harmonizing economic, social, and environmental interests.

                      11 April 2023           CSR BRI Peduli: Berbagi Bahagia Bersama BRI Group
                      April 11 , 2023         CSR BRI Care: Sharing Happiness with BRI Group
                                              BRIDS melalui sinergi dengan BRI Group yang berkolaborasi dengan Koperasi
                                              Swakarya BRI dan Agen BRILink, melakukan CSR "BRI Peduli” bertajuk “Berbagi
                                              Bahagia Bersama BRI Group”, berupa pembagian paket sembako kepada masyarakat
                                              yang membutuhkan. Pada kegiatan ini, BRIDS berkontribusi dengan membagikan
                                              sebanyak 400 paket sembako kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan di 8 kota
                                              yaitu Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Palembang, Surabaya, Medan, Semarang dan
                                              BRIDS, in synergy with BRI Group, collaborated with BRI Workshop Cooperatives and
                                              BRILink Agents to conduct the CSR initiative "BRI Care" titled "Sharing Happiness with
                                              BRI Group." This involved distributing basic food packages to people in need. During
                                              this activity, BRIDS contributed by distributing 400 basic food packages to individuals
                                              in need across 8 cities: Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Palembang, Surabaya, Medan,
                                              Semarang, and Makassar.

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  18  Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2023
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