Page 15 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 15

Aspek Lingkungan Hidup
            Environmental Aspect
            [OJK B.2]

                                Uraian                        Satuan
                              Description                      Unit          2023        2022        2021
             Penggunaan listrik                              Gigajoule          866,36      840,76     1.024,32
             Electricity consumption
             Intensitas Penggunaan Energi                  Gigajoule/Orang       3,45        3,93        5,45
             Energy Use Intensity                          Gigajoule/Person

            Aspek Sosial
            Social Aspect
            [OJK B.3]

                                 Indikator                      Satuan       2023        2022        2021
                                 Indicator                       Unit
             Realisasi Dana untuk Program Sosial Kemasyarakatan (CSR)  Rp ribu   431,56     95.238     30.000
             Realization Funds for Community Social Programs (CSR)  Rp thousand
             Penerimaan Karyawan Baru                            orang             52          51          41
             Recruitment of New Employees                       person

                        Puas Satisfied                                    7,5

                        Hasil Survei Kepuasan                             Total Rata-Rata Jam Pelatihan
                        Nasabah tahun 2023                                Karyawan (Orang/Jam)
                        Customer Satisfaction Survey                      Total Average Employee Training
                        Result in 2023                                    Hours (Person/Hour)

                        6%                                                218%

                        Tingkat Perputaran                                Rasio Upah Entry Level
                        Karyawan (%)                                      Karyawan terhadap UMP
                        Employee Turnover Rate (%)                        Ratio of Entry Level Employee
                                                                          Wage to UMP


                                                 Tingkat Rekrutmen
                                                 Employee Recruitment Rate

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  15  Integrated Annual Report 2023
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20