Page 17 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
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                                       Penghargaan                        Tanggal Perolehan  Lembaga Pemberi
                                         Awards                          Date of Acquisition    Issued by
             Nasional National
              8   Indonesia Excellence GCG Ethics in Generating Innovation and   31 Januari 2023  Warta Ekonomi
                  Developing Business Segmentation (Category: Securities)  January 31 , 2023
              9   Indonesia's Popular Digital Product Awards 2023 (Financial   17 Februari 2023   The Iconomics
                  Industry) E-Trading in Securities Category             February 17 , 2023
              10  Indonesia CSR Brand Equity Awards 2023 in Securities Sector   25 Mei 2023   The Iconomics
                  Industry Category                                      May 25 , 2023
              11  Indonesia Most Acclaimed Companies 2023 with Outstanding   6 Juli 2023   Warta Ekonomi
                  Various Investment Instruments, (Category: Securities)  July 6 , 2023
              12  Inovasi Produk dan Model Bisnis untuk Inovasi Pembukaan   20 September 2023   IDX Channel
                  Rekening Investasi BRIGHTS Melalui Super Apps BRImo    September 20 , 2023
                  Product Innovation and Business Model for BRIGHTS Investment
                  Opening Account Innovation Via BRImo Super Apps

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  17  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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