Page 22 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
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Kinerja Utama 2023
                  Key Performance in 2023

                      2 November 2023         CSR “BRIDS Peduli”: Pemberian Beasiswa kepada
                      November 2 , 2023       15 Mahasiswa Berprestasi
                                              CSR "BRIDS Care": Scholarship Award to 15 Outstanding Students
                                              BRIDS melalui program CSR BRIDS Peduli berkolaborasi dengan Yayasan
                                              Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) memberikan beasiswa sekitar Rp145 juta kepada
                                              15 mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) berprestasi dengan keterbatasan
                                              ekonomi di beberapa kota di seluruh Indonesia.
                                              BRIDS, through the “BRIDS Care” CSR program, collaborated with the Karya
                                              Salemba Empat (KSE) Foundation to provide scholarships of around Rp145 million
                                              to 15 outstanding State University (PTN) students with economic limitations in
                                              several cities throughout Indonesia.

                      2 November 2023         Town Hall Meeting BRI Danareksa Sekuritas Kuartal 3 2023
                      November 2 , 2023       Town Hall Meeting BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 3  Quarter of 2023
                                              BRIDS menyelenggarakan Town Hall Meeting Kuartal 3 2023 yang dihadiri oleh
                                              seluruh Direksi dan Pegawai BRIDS, yang ditujukan untuk menyampaikan update
                                              kinerja dan pencapaian Perusahaan, serta sebagai wadah komunikasi dua arah
                                              antara manajemen dan Pegawai.
                                              BRIDS organized the 3  Quarter 2023 Town Hall Meeting, which was attended by all
                                              BRIDS Board of Directors and Employees. The meeting aimed to provide updates
                                              on the Company's performance and achievements, as well as serve as a forum for
                                              two-way communication between Management and Employees.

                      18 November 2023        Rapat Kerja Consumer Business Directorate BRI:
                      November 18 , 2023      “Growing Stronger with Synergy”
                                              Work Meeting of Consumer Business Directorate BRI:
                                              “Growing Stronger with Synergy”
                                              BRIDS berpartisipasi sebagai pembicara pada Rapat Kerja Consumer Business
                                              Directorate BRI dengan tema “Growing Stronger with Synergy” yang menghadirkan
                                              Direktur Retail & IT BRIDS Fifi Virgantria sebagai pembicara.
                                              BRIDS participated as a speaker at the BRI Consumer Business Directorate Work
                                              Meeting with the theme "Growing Stronger with Synergy," where BRIDS’ Managing
                                              Director Retail & IT, Fifi Virgantria, presented as a speaker.

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  22  Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2023
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