Page 14 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 14

Kinerja Utama 2023
                  Key Performance in 2023

            Ikhtisar Operasional

            Operational Overview
            [OJK B.1]

                                  Uraian                          Satuan
                                Description                        Unit         2023       2022       2021
             Jumlah Nasabah Institusi Number of Institutional Customer  akun account  1.943   2.558     2.260
             Jumlah Nasabah Ritel Number of Retail Customer     akun account      235.134    170.612   128.732
             Pendapatan Perantara Perdagangan Saham               Rp ribu         96.168     139.418   117.054
             Equity Brokerage Income                            Rp thousand
             Pendapatan Perantara Perdagangan Obligasi            Rp ribu         24.096     29.588     17.639
             Bonds Brokerage Income                             Rp thousand
             Pendapatan Penjaminan Emisi Saham                    Rp ribu        5.119.312  37.103.087  86.259.548
             Income from Equity Underwriting                    Rp thousand
             Pendapatan Penjaminan Emisi Obligasi                 Rp ribu       20.246.115  26.729.592  21.910.433
             Income from Bonds Underwriting                     Rp thousand
             Pendapatan Jasa Penasihat Keuangan                   Rp ribu         116.475    85.479    102.792
             Income from Financial Advisory Services            Rp thousand
             Jumlah Sentra Investasi Danareksa (SID)               unit              10         10         10
             Number of Sentra Investasi Danareksa (SID)
             Jumlah Gerai Number of Outlets                        unit              31         26         13
             Jumlah SID Mitra Number of SID Partners            mitra partner         3          3         3

            Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan

            Sustainability Performance Overview

            Aspek Ekonomi
            Economic Aspect
            [OJK B.1]
                                  Uraian                        Satuan
                                Description                      Unit        2023        2022        2021
             Realisasi Jumlah Nasabah Baru                        akun          63.907      42.784      16.268
             Realization on Total New Customers                 account
             Pendapatan Usaha                                   Rp ribu     299.671.886  346.287.617  375.735.646
             Operating Revenues                               Rp thousand
             Laba Tahun Berjalan                                Rp ribu      70.739.555  72.195.964  94.652.577
             Profit For the Year                              Rp thousand
             Nilai Ekonomi yang Didistribusikan                 Rp miliar    319.137.348  274.091.653  281.113.069
             Economic Value Distributed                        Rp billion
             Jumlah Pemasok Lokal                               pemasok           101         104         102
             Total Local Supplier                               supplier

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  14  Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2023
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19