Page 23 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 23

13 Desember 2023        Rapat Kerja Nasional (RAKERNAS) BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 2023
                      December 13 , 2023      National Work Meeting (RAKERNAS) BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 2023
                                              BRIDS menyelenggarakan Rapat Kerja Nasional (RAKERNAS) BRIDS 2023 yang
                                              menghadirkan seluruh jajaran Direksi dan seluruh Kepala Divisi, sebagai medium
                                              pembahasan dan finalisasi strategi Perusahaan untuk tahun 2024.
                                              BRIDS held the BRIDS 2023 National Work Meeting (RAKERNAS), which brought
                                              together the entire Board of Directors and all Division Heads as a medium for
                                              discussing and finalizing the Company's strategy for 2024.

                      13 Desember 2023        Penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman Penguatan Bisnis
                      December 13 , 2023      Capital Market Syariah BSI-BRIDS
                                              Signing of Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening
                                              the BSI-BRIDS Sharia Capital Market Business
                                              BRIDS resmi melakukan penandatanganan nota kesepahaman dengan
                                              PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI atau IDX: BRIS) untuk memperkuat bisnis
                                              capital market syariah BSI, bertepatan dengan kegiatan Investor and Client
                                              Appreciation dengan tema “Growing Together Towards” 2024, berlokasi di kantor
                                              pusat BSI, The Tower, Jakarta.
                                              BRIDS officially signed a memorandum of understanding with PT Bank Syariah
                                              Indonesia Tbk (BSI or IDX: BRIS) to strengthen BSI's sharia capital market business,
                                              coinciding with the Investor and Client Appreciation activity with the theme
                                              "Growing Together Towards" 2024, located at BSI headquarters, The Tower, Jakarta.

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  23  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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