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                                                  LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS
                                               REPORT OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                              Jabatan  Masa Jabatan     Dasar Penunjukkan       Surat Persetujuan OJK  Jabatan
               Nama Name
                             Position    Tenure        Basis of Appointment      FSA Approval Letter  Term of
             Sumihar Manullang Komisaris   2020 – 2023  Akta No. 60 tanggal 13 februari 2020  Surat No. S-1460/PM.21/2019   Ke-1 1 st
                          Independen             Deed No. 60 dated February 13, 2020  tanggal 25 November 2019
                          Independent                                        Letter No. S-1460/PM.21/2019
                          Commissioner                                       dated November 25, 2019

            Untuk  memperkuat  Tata  Kelola  Dewan  Komisaris  tahun  2020,   To strengthen the Governance of the Board of Commissioners in
            telah dilakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:          2020, the Company carried out the following:
            •  Untuk memperkuat pelaksanaan fungsi Dewan Komisaris   •  To strengthen the functions implementation of the Board of
              telah dilengkapi organ Dewan Komisaris berserta pemenuhan   Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners organs have been
              anggota Komite Audit dan Pemantau Manajemen Risiko,   equipped  with  the  fulfillment  of  members  of  the  Audit  and
              berdasarkan pada SK Dewan Komisaris Nomor: SK.005/BOC-  Risk Management Monitoring Committee, based on the Board
              BRIDS/11/2020, tertanggal 10 November 2020.       of Commissioners Decree Number:SK.005/BOC-BRIDS/11/2020,
                                                                dated November 10, 2020.
            •  Memenuhi kelengkapan Piagam/Tatalaksana kerja Dewan   •  Fulfilling the completeness of the Charter/Work Procedure of
              Komisaris dan Tatalaksana Kerja Komite Audit dan Pemantau   the Board of Commissioners and the Work Procedure of the
              Manajemen Risiko.                                 Audit Committee and Risk Management Monitoring.
            •  Pembuatan  laporan  triwulanan  pengawasan  Dewan  •  Preparation of quarterly reports on the supervision of the
              Komisaris  kepada  Pemegang  Saham,  antara  lain  meliputi   Board of Commissioners to Shareholders, which includes
              laporan pengawasan tindak lanjut temuan audit internal,   monitoring  reports  on  follow-up  to  internal  audit  findings,
              audit eksternal termasuk temuan otoritas setelah dilakukan   external audits, including findings of authorities after regular
              pertemuan berkala.                                meetings.
            •  Pelaksanaan Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi serta bidang   •  Holding periodic meetings of the Board of Commissioners and
              terkait secara berkala.                           Directors and related fields.
            •  Pelaksanaan sharing session dengan bidang kerja terkait.   •  Holding sharing sessions with related work fields.

            Penutup dan Apresiasi                             Closing and Appreciation

            Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada   The Board of Commissioners would like to thank the shareholders,
            para pemegang saham, nasabah, klien, dan mitra usaha atas kerja   customers, clients, and business partners for their cooperation
            sama serta kepercayaannya di tahun 2020. Dewan Komisaris juga   and trust in 2020. The Board of Commissioners also expresses its
            menyampaikan apresiasi kepada Direksi dan seluruh karyawan   appreciation to the Board of Directors and all BRIDS employees
            BRIDS atas kontribusi, dedikasi, dan kerja kerasnya yang telah   for their contribution, dedication, and hard work that have been
            diberikan sehingga Perusahaan dapat menunjukkan ketahanan   provided so that Company is able to show resilience amid the full
            diri di tengah situasi dan kondisi yang penuh ketidakpastian.  of uncertainty situations and conditions.

            Semoga Perusahaan dapat tumbuh dengan kuat secara sehat dan   Hopefully the Company will able to grow strong in a sound and
            berkelanjutan, mewujudkan visi misinya dengan memberikan   sustainable manner, realizing its vision and mission by providing
            nilai tambah bagi segenap Pemangku Kepentingan.   added value for all stakeholders.

                                                 31 Maret 2021 March 31,  2021

                                Atas Nama Dewan Komisaris On Behalf of the Board of Commissioners

      Laporan Tahunan 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  Komisaris Commissioner


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