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                                                  LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS
                                               REPORT OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

            dengan pertumbuhan industri pasar modal dan bisnis dalam   with the growth of the capital market industry and business in
            industri sekuritas, jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019 jumlah   the securities industry, when compared to 2019, the number of
            perusahaan  yang  melakukan  corporate action  berupa  emisi   companies  carried  out  corporate  actions  in  the  form  of  share
            saham sejumlah 55 emiten, sedangkan tahun 2020 terdapat 51   issuance was 55 issuers, while in 2020 there were 51 issuers on
            emiten yang diperdagangkan di bursa.              the exchange floor.

            Secara umum, di tengah ketidakpastian ekonomi selama tahun   Generally, in the middle of economic uncertainty throughtout
            2020,  Dewan Komisaris menilai Perusahaan telah berusaha   2020, the Board of Commissioners considers that the Company
            menunjukkan ketahanan diri yang cukup baik dengan penerapan   has strived to show sufficient resilience by implementing several
            sejumlah strategi dan inisiatif yang dijalankan selama tahun 2020.  strategies and initiatives during 2020.

            Fungsi Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris dan Hubungan Kerja   Supervisory Function of the Board of Commissioners and
            dengan Direksi                                    Working Relationship with the Board of Directors
            Sesuai dengan tugas Dewan Komisaris sebagai organ Perseroan   In accordance with the duties of the Board of Commissioners as
            yang bertanggungjawab dalam pengawasan atas pengurusan   an  organ of  the  Company  which  is  responsible  for  supervising
            Perseroan yang dijalankan oleh Direksi, sebagaimana ditetapkan   the  management  of  the  Company  carried  out  by  the  Board  of
            dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, Dewan Komisaris bertugas   Directors, as stipulated in the Company’s Articles of Association,
            melakukan  hal-hal  sbb:  Pengawasan  terhadap    kebijakan   the Board of Commissioners is tasked with performing the
            pengurusan jalannya perusahaan, baik mengenai Perseroan   following: Supervision of the policies for managing the running
            maupun usaha Perseroan  yang dilakukan oleh Direksi,   of the Company, both regarding the Company and the Company’s
            serta  memberikan  nasihat  kepada  Direksi.  Disamping  tugas   business carried out by the Board of Directors, as well as providing
            pengawasan tersebut juga tugas lainnya yang diberikan oleh   advices to the Board of Directors. In addition to these supervisory
            pemegang saham dan otoritas lainnya sesuai kewenangannya.  duties, there are also other duties assigned by shareholders and
                                                              other authorities in accordance with their respective powers.

            Selama tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris telah melaksanakan tugas   During 2020, the Board of Commissioners has carried out
            pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat atas jalannya Perusahaan   supervisory duties and provided advice on the running of
            oleh Direksi,  termasuk melakukan evaluasi intensif  dan   the Company by the Board of Directors, including conducting
            mendalam terhadap pencapaian kinerja, pengembangan dan   intensive and in-depth evaluations of performance achievement,
            penanganan masalah-masalah bisnis, tata kelola perusahaan,   development and business issues handling, corporate
            pengendalian internal, pengelolaan risiko, kepatuhan, perubahan   governance, internal control, risk management, compliance,
            kepengurusan, pengelolaan sumber daya manusia, serta sistem   management change, human resource management, and
            informasi dan teknologi.                          information and technology system.

            Dewan Komisaris juga memberikan perhatian utama pada   The Board of Commissioners also considers to the readiness of
            kesiapan  Perusahaan  dalam  menghadapi  dampak  pandemi   the Company in facing the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on
            Covid-19 terhadap kinerja, kesehatan dan kesiapan para pekerja   the performance, health, and readiness of workers as well as the
            serta kesiapan Perusahaan untuk tetap menjaga proses bisnis   readiness of the Company to keep business processes running
            tetap berjalan dengan baik.                       well.
            Dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasannya, Dewan Komisaris   In carrying out its supervisory function, the Board of Commissioners
            secara berkala melakukan rapat dengan Direksi, menyampaikan   regularly holds meetings with the Board of Directors, submits
            tanggapan dan persetujuan terhadap usulan Rencana Kerja   responses and approves the proposed Work Plan and Company
            dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) dan kebijakan yang disusun   Budget  (RKAP)  and  policies  prepared  by  the  Board  of  Directors,
            oleh Direksi, serta memberikan persetujuan atas berbagai hal   as well as approves various other matters proposed by the Board
            lainnya  yang  diusulkan  oleh  Direksi  sesuai  dengan  ketentuan   of  Directors  based  on the provisions  in  Company’s  articles  of
            dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan. Selain rapat pengawasan   association. In addition to monitoring meetings, it is also carried
            juga dilakukan melalui surat menyurat dengan memperhatikan   out through correspondence with considering its urgency.

            Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi menjadi forum strategis bagi   Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and Directors are the
            Dewan Komisaris untuk memantau perkembangan Perusahaan.   strategic forum for the Board of Commissioners to monitor
            Sepanjang tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris menggelar 11 kali rapat
                                                              the development  of the Company. In 2020, the Board of
      Laporan Tahunan 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  divisi-divisi terkait sesuai dengan bidangnya. Sedangkan Dewan   both with all Directors and involving related divisions according
            dengan Direksi, baik dengan seluruh Direksi maupun melibatkan
                                                              Commissioners held  11 meetings  with the  Board  of Directors,
            Komisaris telah melaksanakan rapat Dewan sebanyak 41 kali.
                                                              to their fields. Meanwhile, the Board of Commissioners has held
                                                              41 times of the Board of Commissioners meetings.

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