Page 27 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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- Pembentukan organ Komite Audit & Pemantau Manajemen - Establishment of Risk Management Audit & Monitoring Committee
Risiko, serta pembuatan Piagam/Tatakerjanya. organs, as well as drafting the charter/procedures.
- Memberikan dukungan dan advise dalam penyusunan - Providing support and advice in the preparation of
perubahan organisasi Perseroan yang lebih akomodatif dengan organizational changes to the Company that are more
perkembangan visi dan misi Perseroan yang lebih fokus pada accommodating to the development of the Company’s vision
bisnis ritel dan efektifnya pengelolaan Perseroan. and mission, which is more focused on the retail business and
the effective management of the Company.
- Mendorong perbaikan dan update prosedur dan kebijakan - Encouraging improvement and updating of business process
(SOP) proses bisnis dan sampai saat ini masih berlangsung. procedures and policies (SOP) and are still ongoing as of
Beberapa prosedur tersebut meliputi; Piagam Audit Perseroan, now. Some of these procedures include; The Company’s Audit
Pedoman Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa, Pedoman Charter, Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Services,
dan Kebijakan Peraturan Disiplin Pegawai masih sedang Guidelines and Policies for Employee Discipline Regulations are
berlangsung serta perumusan kewenangan Direksi dan still ongoing and the formulation of the authority of the Board
Komisaris yang masih berlangsung. of Directors and Commissioners is still ongoing.
- laporan pengawasan yang juga mencakup pengawasan tindak - Supervisory reports which also include follow-up monitoring
lanjut temuan Audit Intern, audit eksternal, Otoritas Jasa of findings from Internal Audit, external audit, the Financial
Keuangan dan regulator lainnya. Services Authority and other regulators.
- Mendukung dan mendorong penerapan Whistle Blowing - Supporting and encouraging the implementation of the
System (WBS) di BRIDS untuk memitigasi perilaku fraud Whistle Blowing System (WBS) at BRIDS to mitigate fraudulent
sekaligus menjaga kepercayaan nasabah sebagai prioritas behavior while maintaining customer trust as a top priority. It’s
utama. Saat ini masih berlangsung. still ongoing.
- Dalam hal pengawasan piutang bermasalah, Dewan Komisaris - In the case of monitoring of non-performing receivables, the
memberikan advise untuk meminta advis kepada Kejaksaan Board of Commissioners provides advices to request the Attorney
Agung serta pengamanan terhadap agunan piutang bermasalah. General for advices as well as safeguards against collateral for
non-performing receivables.
- Pengawasan terhadap perbaikan penerapan kebijakan Anti - Supervision of the improvement of the implementation of the
Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme (APU Anti Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Funding
PTT) di PT. BRIDS,meliputi: (AML-CFT) policies at PT. BRIDS, including:
• Update Pedoman APU PPT BRIDS telah selesai dan • Update of the AML-CFT Guidelines for BRIDS has been
disampaikan kepada OJK. completed and submitted to FSA.
• Pelaksanaan pengkinian data nasabah tahun 2020 sebanyak • The implementation of updating customer data for 2020
450 nasabah dari target 712 nasabah, tercapai 63,2 %, serta totaling 450 out of the target of 712 customers, reached 63.2%,
optimalisasi penggunaan sistem Smart AML dalam program as well as optimizing the use of the Smart AML system in the
APU PPT. AML-CFT program.
Dengan upaya-upaya perbaikan kualitas GCG di Perusahaan, With the efforts to improve the GCG quality in the Company,
Dewan Komisaris berharap agar tata kelola dapat the Board of Commissioners expects that governance can be
diimplementasikan secara konsisten menjadi landasan yang kuat implemented consistently as strong foundation to respond
untuk menjawab perubahan lingkungan bisnis dan persaingan to changes in the business environment and increasingly
yang makin kompetitif sekaligus mempertahankan kinerja competitive competition while maintaining sound and
Perusahaan secara sehat dan berkesinambungan. sustainable performance of the Company.
Perubahan Komposisi Anggota dan Penguatan Tata Kelola Changes in the Composition of Members of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris Commissioners
Dalam hal kepengurusan Perseroan, Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham In terms of the management of the Company, the General Meeting of
tanggal 13 Februari 2020 telah menyetujui untuk mengangkat Bapak Shareholders on February 13, 2020 has agreed to appoint Mr. Sumihar
Sumihar Manullang sebagai Komisaris Independen dan telah Manullang as an Independent Commissioner and has received
mendapat persetujuan dari OJK serta berlaku efektif tanggal 13 approval from the FSA, effective on February 13, 2020. Therefore, at
Februari 2020. Dengan demikian pada akhir Tahun 2020, terdapat the end of 2020, there was a change in the composition of the Board
perubahan komposisi Dewan Komisaris menjadi berjumlah 2 (dua) of Commissioners which amounting to 2 (two) persons. The following
orang. Berikut Komposisi Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2020: is the composition of the Board of Commissioners in 2020:
Jabatan Masa Jabatan Dasar Penunjukkan Surat Persetujuan OJK Jabatan
Nama Name
Position Tenure Basis of Appointment FSA Approval Letter Term of
Soehandjono Komisaris 2019 – 2022 Akta no. 141 tanggal 26 November 2019 Surat No. S-1157/PM.21/2019 Ke-1 1 st PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
Commissioner Deed No. 141 dated November 26, 2019 tanggal 20 September 2019
Letter No. S-1157/PM.21/2019 Annual Report 2020
dated September 20, 2019
BRI Danareksa Sekuritas | @BRIDanareksa | @bridanareksa | BRI Danareksa Sekuritas