Page 19 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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Highlight 2020
Seminar Nasional
“Gaining Momentum in Indonesia Recovery“
National Seminar of
“Gaining Momentum in Indonesia Recovery”
7 Desember 2020 The Dharmawangsa
December 7, 2020 Hotel, Jakarta
Seminar Nasional kembali diadakan oleh BRIDS dengan
tema “Gaining Momentum in Indonesia Recovery” di Jakarta.
Acara ini sekaligus meresmikan nama dan logo BRIDS serta
peluncuran Sharia Online Trading System/SOTS D’One
Syariah. Disiarkan melalui daring, acara ini disaksikan
lebih dari 1300 peserta, dengan mengundang Prof. Dr. K. H.
Ma’ruf Amin (Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia) sebagai
Keynote Speaker dan dihadiri langsung oleh Bapak Inarno
Djajadi (Direktur Utama PT Bursa Efek Indonesia), Bapak
Mohammad B. Teguh (perwakilan Dewan Syariah Nasional
Majelis Ulama Indonesia), Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
BRIDS. Dengan mengikuti protokol kesehatan, acara ini
berlangsung sukses dengan mendapatkan antusias yang
sangat baik dari berbagai pihak.
The National Seminar once more was held by BRIDS with
the theme of “Gaining Momentum in Indonesia Recovery”
in Jakarta. This event also inaugurated the BRIDS’ name
and logo as well as the launch of the Sharia Online Trading
System/SOTS D’One Syariah. Broadcasted online, more
than 1300 invited participants was witnessing this event,
which also inviting Prof. Dr. KH Ma’ruf Amin (Vice President
of the Republic of Indonesia) as Keynote Speaker and
attended by Mr. Inarno Djajadi (President Director of the
Indonesia Stock Exchange), Mr. Mohammad B. Teguh
(representative of the National Sharia Board of the
Indonesian Ulema Council), the Board of Commissioners
and Directors of BRIDS. By following the health protocol,
this event was success with enthusiasm from various
Annual Report 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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