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                                            PERKARA PENTING DAN PERMASALAHAN HUKUM
                                                 IMPORTANT CASES AND LEGAL ISSUES

                                                                        Pengaruh terhadap kondisi
                             Pokok Perkara             Status Penyelesaian   Perusahaan      Sanksi administratif
                               Main Case                Settlement Status  Impacts on the condition of   Administrative sanctions
                                                                             the Company
                 Alleged Corruption in the provision of financing   Currently, the process   Reputation Risk, which   Until the proceeding of
                 facilities from PT Danareksa Sekuritas to PT Aditya   of case investigation in   is, the process of case   the case investigation
                 Tirta Renata (“ATR”) debtor in 2014. The alleged article  court against the former   investigation in court   in court, there have
                 is Article 2 paragraph (1) jo. Article 18 of Law no. 31   President Director and   is carried out openly to   been no administrative
                 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crime   former Operations Director   the public. However, this   sanctions imposed on the
                 as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 concerning the   for the 2014-2015 period with  process has no impact on   Company, The Board of
                 Eradication of Corruption jo. Article 55 paragraph (1)-1   the agenda of investigating   the Company’s activities,   Commissioners members,
                 KUHP jo. Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code  witnesses from the Public   and all services provided to  and Directors by the
                                                    Prosecutor.         customers continue to run   relevant authorities.
              2  Dugaan Tindak Pidana Korupsi dalam pemberian   Saat ini telah berjalan
                 fasilitas pembiayaan dari PT Danareksa Sekuritas   proses pemeriksaan perkara
                 kepada Debitur PT Evio Securities (Evio) pada tahun   di persidangan terhadap
                 2015. Pasal yang dituduhkan pasal 3  jo. pasal 18 ayat  Mantan Direktur Utama dan
                 (2), (3) UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan   Mantan Direktur Retail kurun
                 Tindak Pidana Korupsi yang diubah dengan UU No.   waktu 2014-2015 dengan
                 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana  agenda pemeriksaan saksi-
                 Korupsi jo. pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP   saksi dari Penuntut Umum
                 Alleged Corruption in the provision of financing   Currently, the process of
                 facilities from PT Danareksa Sekuritas to PT Evio   case investigation in a court
                 Securities (“Evio”) debtors in 2015. Article 3 jo. Article  of the former President
                 18 paragraph (2), (3) Law no. 31 of 1999 concerning   Director and Former Retail
                 Eradication of Corruption Crime as amended by   Director for the period
                 Law no. 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of   2014-2015 has been carried
                 Corruption jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the   out with the agenda of
                 Criminal Code                      investigating witnesses from
                                                    the Public Prosecutor.


                                                                         Pengaruh terhadap kondisi
                           Pokok Perkara             Status Penyelesaian      Perusahaan      Sanksi administratif
                            Main Case                 Settlement Status  Impacts on the condition of  Administrative sanctions
                                                                              the Company
              1  PT Danareksa Sekuritas digugat wanprestasi  Saat ini proses pemeriksaan perkara   Risiko reputasi yaitu   Sampai dengan
                 atas perjanjian restrukturisasi hutang   di pengadilan tingkat pertama sedang   dengan berjalannya proses   berjalannya proses
                 dengan jaminan saham dan aset tetap   berjalan, dan agenda sidang sampai   pemeriksaan perkara di   pemeriksaan perkara di
                 yang dibuat oleh dan antara PT Danareksa   pada tahap mendengarkan keterangan  pengadilan dilakukan   pengadilan, tidak ada
                 Sekuritas dengan PT Evio Securities   dari saksi ahli yang dihadirkan oleh   secara terbuka untuk   sanksi administratif
                 dengan nomor registrasi perkara No. 262/  Pihak Penggugat (Evio)   umum. Namun proses   yang dikenakan pada
                 PDT.G/2020/PNJKT.Pst          Currently, the case investigation   tersebut tidak  berdampak   Perusahaan, anggota
                 PT Danareksa Sekuritas  was sued for   process at the court of the first   terhadap aktivitas   Dewan Komisaris dan
                 default on the debt restructuring agreement  instance is ongoing, and the agenda   Perusahaan dan seluruh   Direksi oleh Otoritas
                 with stock and fixed assets collateral made   of the trial has reached the stage   pelayanan yang diberikan   terkait
                 by and between PT Danareksa Sekuritas   of hearing testimony from expert   kepada nasabah tetap   Until the proceeding of
                 and PT Evio Securities with case registration  witnesses presented by the Plaintiff   berjalan normal   the case investigation
                 number No. 262/PDT.G/2020/PNJKT.Pst  (Evio)             Reputation Risk, that   in court, the Company
                                                                         is, the process of case   had no administrative
              2  PT Danareksa Sekuritas digugat wanprestasi  Saat ini proses pemeriksaan perkara
                 atas perjanjian pembiayaan dengan jaminan  di pengadilan tingkat pertama sedang   investigation in court   sanctions, and
                 saham yang dibuat oleh dan antara PT   berjalan, dan agenda sidang sampai   is carried out openly to   also for the Board
                 Danareksa Sekuritas dengan PT Aditya Tirta   pada tahap penyampaian kesimpulan   the public. However, this   of Commissioners
                 Renata dengan nomor registrasi perkara No.  secara tertulis kepada majelis hakim   process has no impact on   members, and Directors
                 263/PDT.G/2020/PNJkt. Pst     oleh Para Pihak (Penggugat, Tergugat,   the Company’s activities,   by the relevant
                 PT Danareksa Sekuritas was sued for   Turut Tergugat)   and all services provided to  authorities.
                 default on the financing agreement with   Currently, the process of case   customers continue to run
                 stock guarantees made by and between PT
                                               investigation at the court of the first
                                               instance is ongoing, and the agenda
                 Danareksa Sekuritas and PT Aditya Tirta
      Laporan Tahunan 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  No.263/PDT.G/2020/PNJkt. Pst  submitting a written conclusion to
                                               of the trial has reached the stage of
                 Renata with case registration number
                                               the panel of judges by the Parties
                                               (Plaintiff, Defendant, Co-Defendant)

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