Page 33 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 33

Pengawasan terhadap Implementasi Strategi Perusahaan
            Oversight of the Corporate Strategy Implementation
            Dewan Komisaris senantiasa melakukan pengawasan   The Board of Commissioners is committed to supervising
            dan  dukungan  terhadap  implementasi  strategis  yang   and supporting the strategic implementation conducted
            dilakukan  Direksi  dalam  mengelola  Perusahaan.  by the Board of Directors in managing the Company.
            Berdasarkan hasil pengawasan yang telah dilakukan,   Based on the results of its supervision, the Board of
            Dewan Komisaris berpendapat bahwa selama tahun    Commissioners believed that throughout 2023, the Board
            2023, Direksi telah berusaha menjalankan fungsinya   of Directors strived to perform its functions well and
            dengan  baik  dan  menerapkan  kebijakan-kebijakan   implemented policies deemed necessary to achieve the
            yang dipandang perlu untuk mencapai target strategis   Company's strategic targets.

            Dewan Komisaris melihat bahwa manajemen BRIDS     The Board of Commissioners observed that BRIDS
            telah  memberi  penekanan   terhadap  pentingnya  management  has  emphasized  the  significance  of
            pengembangan kapabilitas di bidang perdagangan    enhancing securities trading capabilities,  particularly
            efek yang  fokus pada segmen ritel, dan telah berupaya   in  the  retail  segment,  and  worked  towards  ongoing
            untuk  terus  meningkatkan  kapabilitas  infrastruktur  dan   enhancements of its infrastructure and human capital
            sumber daya manusia, baik yang bersifat jangka pendek   capabilities, both in the short and long term. BRIDS
            maupun jangka panjang. BRIDS sudah melengkapi     completed  its  business  infrastructure  to  achieve
            infrastruktur  bisnisnya untuk  mencapai pertumbuhan   sustainable growth, including several strategic initiatives
            yang  berkelanjutan,  diantaranya  ada  beberapa  strategic   that were completed (live), such as: 1) Designing & Providing
            initiatives yang sudah selesai (live),  yaitu:  1)  Designing   Client  Journey,  including  -  Developing  New  Brights  UI,
            &  Providing  Client  Journey,  meliputi  -  Developing New   Utilization of securities loan services with manual records;
            Brights UI, Pemanfaatan layanan gadai efek dengan   2)  Optimization  Back  Office  Process,  including  -  Auto
            catatan manual; 2)  Optimalization  Back  Office  Process,   Cash Withdrawal; 3) Boosting The Accuracy of Marketing
            meliputi – Auto Cash Withdrawal, 3) Boosting The Accuracy   &  Monitoring,  including  -  Professional  Survey  Service,
            of Marketing & Monitoring, meliputi - Professional Survey   Website Marketing Development; 4) BRI Group Synergies,
            Service,  Website Marketing Development; 4) BRI  Group   including  -  Brights  launcher  on  BRImo  Super-apps,  BRI
            Synergies, meliputi –  Brights  launcher  on  BRImo  Super-  Group  Mesop,  including  -  Mesop  Transactions  of  PT
            apps, Mesop BRI Group, meliputi – Transaksi Mesop     Pegadaian;  5)  Increasing  Brand  Awareness,  including  -
            PT Pegadaian; 5) Increasing Brand Awareness, meliputi –   Sponsorship, Media Relations, Ads Placement. Additionally,
            Sponsorship, Media Relation, Ads Placement.  Disamping   BRIDS launched the Brights Easy application, a more user-
            itu, BRIDS juga melakukan  peluncuran aplikasi Brights   friendly application from millennials to Generation Z.
            Easy, yaitu aplikasi yang lebih user friendly untuk generasi
            milenial sampai generasi Z.

            Untuk upaya tersebut di atas, Dewan Komisaris     For the aforementioned efforts, the Board of Commissioners
            memberikan apresiasi kepada Manajemen sudah       appreciated the Management for consistently developing
            konsisten  melakukan pengembangan layanan digital   digital services, resulting in an increase in the percentage
            sehingga  persentase nasabah yang bertransaksi    of  customers  transacting  online  (Rp22.12  trillion  or  67.7%)
            secara  online  (Rp22,12  triliun  atau  67,7%)  semakin   compared to the percentage of  customers transacting
            meningkat  versus persentase nasabah bertransaksi   offline (Rp10.57 trillion or 32.3%), in line with dynamic trends
            secara  offline  (Rp10,57  triliun  atau  32,3%)  sejalan  dengan   and technological advancements implemented through
            tren dan perkembangan teknologi yang dinamis yang   various application-based services. Furthermore, BRIDS also
            diimplementasikan dengan berbagai layanan berbasis   played an active role as one of the companies that acted as a
            aplikasi. Disamping itu, BRIDS juga sudah berperan aktif   buyer of Carbon Units in the inaugural trading of IDXCarbon
            sebagai salah satu perusahaan-perusahaan yang berperan   on Tuesday, September 26 , 2023, representing PT BRI
            sebagai pembeli Unit Karbon pada perdagangan perdana   (Persero) Tbk.
            IDXCarbon pada Hari Selasa, 26 September 2023 mewakili
            PT BRI (Persero) Tbk.

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  33  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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