Page 28 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 28
Laporan Manajemen
Management Report
Aktivitas Produksi Yang Kuat Menopang Ekonomi Domestik
Strong Production Activities Underpin Domestic Economy
Aktivitas ekonomi domestik ditopang antara lain oleh The domestic economic activities were supported by
faktor-faktor pendukung sebagai berikut: several factors, including:
› Peningkatan Aktivitas Produksi dengan sub faktor › Production Activity Increase with sub-factors including:
antara lain:
- Puchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) Manufaktur Indonesia - Indonesia's Manufacturing Purchasing Manager's
masih berada di Zona Ekspansi mencapai 52,20% lebih Index (PMI) remained in the Expansion Zone, reaching
tinggi dibanding Triwulan 4-2022 sebesar 50,9%. 52.20%, higher than 4 Quarter-2022 of 50.9%.
- Kapasitas produksi terpakai Triwulan 4-2023 sebesar - Production capacity utilized in 4 Quarter-2023 was
73,91%, lebih tinggi dari Triwulan 4-2022 sebesar 73.91%, higher than 4 Quarter-2022 of 71.49%.
- Produksi semen tumbuh 13,84% (y-on-y) dan 3,81% - Cement production increased by 13.84% (y-on-y) and
(c-to-c). 3.81% (c-to-c).
- Penjualan listrik sepanjang Triwulan 4-2023 tumbuh - Electricity sales during 4 Quarter-2023 grew by 9.64%,
sebesar 9,64%, terutama didorong konsumsi Listrik primarily driven by the business segment's Electricity
segmen bisnis yang tumbuh 14,41% (y-on-y). consumption, which grew by 14.41% (y-on-y).
› Peningkatan Realisasi Investasi dengan sub faktor › Increased Investment Realization with sub-factors
antara lain: including:
- Barang modal jenis kendaraan: peningkatan produk - Vehicle-type capital goods: domestic vehicle product
kendaraan domestik sebesar 12,28% maupun impor increased by 12.28%, and imports increased by 41.10%
41,10% (c-to-c). (c-to-c).
- Realisasi PMDN dan PMA tumbuh 16,20% (y-on-y). - Domestic Direct Investment (PMDN) and Foreign Direct
Investment (PMA) realization grew by 16.20% (y-on-y).
- Belanja modal pemerintah APBN dan APBD tumbuh - Government capital expenditure in the state and local
positif, menguat dibanding periode sebelumnya: budgets experienced positive growth, surpassing the
32,22% (y-on-y) dan 26,31% (c-to-c). previous period: 32.22% (y-on-y) and 26.31% (c-to-c).
› Peningkatan Mobilitas Masyarakat dan Persiapan › Increased Community Mobility and Election Preparation
Pemilu dengan sub faktor antara lain: with sub-factors including:
- Jumlah penumpang di seluruh moda transportasi - The number of passengers in all modes of transport
mengalami peningkatan: Angkutan rel 20,39% (y-on-y) increased as follows: Rail transport by 20.39% (y-on-y)
dan 34,07% (c-to-c), Angkutan laut 10,62% (y-on-y) dan and 34.07% (c-to-c), Sea transport by 10.62% (y-on-y)
11,69% (c-to-c), Angkutan udara 16,46% (y-on-y) dan and 11.69% (c-to-c), Air transport by 16.46% (y-on-y) and
31,21% (c-to-c). 31.21% (c-to-c).
- Jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara tumbuh - The number of foreign tourist visits grew by 27.72%
27,72% (y-on-y) dan 98,30% (cto-c). (y-on-y) and 98.30% (c-to-c).
- Nataru mendorong peningkatan mobilitas penduduk - Christmas and New Year fostered increased population
dan pariwisata, serta aktivitas ekonomi lainnya mobility, tourism, and other economic activities.
- Persiapan pemilu meningkat dan masif, baik yang - Election preparations escalated significantly, involving
dilakukan oleh peserta maupun penyelenggara participants and organizers in events such as
pemilu, seperti: Rakernas, Rakerda, Rapimnas dan Rakernas, Rakerda, Rapimnas, national consolidation,
konsolidasi nasional serta rangkaian persiapan and a series of election arrangements.
(sumber: Badan Pusat Statistik) Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS)
PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 28 Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2023