Page 32 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 32

Laporan Manajemen
                        Management Report

            14)  Melakukan pengukuran dan evaluasi produktivitas   14)  Conducting measurement and evaluation of employee
               pegawai dalam rangka mendorong kinerja  tiap lini   productivity to encourage the performance of each
               bisnis  serta  hasil  evaluasi  agar  disampaikan  setiap  3   line of business, with evaluation results submitted
               bulan.                                            every 3 months.
            15)  Melakukan  review  cost  structure  dan  upaya  efisiensi   15)  Reviewing cost structure and implementing efficiency
               untuk menjaga nilai BOPO tidak terlalu tinggi.    efforts to maintain the BOPO value at an optimal level.
            16)  Memastikan  proses  penjualan  aset  Jeruk  Purut   16)  Ensuring  the  sales  process  of  Jeruk  Purut  assets  is
               dilakukan dengan  governance yang baik dan        conducted with good governance and settling the
               melakukan penyelesaian pada sisa piutang yang     remaining uncovered receivables from successfully
               belum tercover dari agunan yang sudah berhasil dijual.  sold collateral.
            17)  Percepatan pengkinian Perjanjian Dapen Danareksa.  17)  Accelerating  the  update  of  Danareksa's  Dapen
            18)  Percepatan penyelesaian pengkinian KD Pelanggaran   18)  Accelerating  the  completion  of  updating  the  BRIDS’
               Disiplin BRIDS.                                   Basic Disciplinary Offenses.
            19)  Melakukan pengukuran dan evaluasi produktivitas   19)  Conducting measurement and evaluation of employee
               pegawai dalam rangka mendorong kinerja  tiap lini   productivity to encourage the performance of each
               bisnis  serta  hasil  evaluasi  agar  disampaikan  setiap  3   line of business, with evaluation results submitted
               bulan.                                            every 3 months.
            20) Peningkatan kualitas Riset agar menaikkan Top of Mind .  20) Improving Research quality to increase Top of Mind.
            21)  Improvement Manajemen Kinerja (Program Insentif/  21)  Improving Performance Management (Incentive/
               bonus) Pekerja ke merit system.                   bonus program) for workers to a merit system.

            Penilaian terhadap Kinerja Direksi mengenai Pengelolaan Perusahaan
            Performance Assessment of the Board of Directors on the Management of the Company

            Dewan Komisaris memahami bahwa kinerja Perusahaan   The Board of Commissioners recognized that the
            di Tahun 2023 masih dipengaruhi oleh kondisi ekonomi   Company's  performance  in  2023  was  still  affected  by
            nasional pada masa persiapan Pemilihan Umum dimana   national economic conditions during the General Election
            peluang bisnis relatif berkurang dan sangat kompetitif.   preparation  period,  where  business  opportunities  were
            Namun demikian, Manajemen sudah menunjukan kerja   relatively  reduced  and  highly  competitive.  However,  the
            keras  dan cerdasnya meskipun  belum  maksimal  dan   Management demonstrated its hard work and smart
            mencapai kinerja usaha yang baik, antara lain Pendapatan   strategies, although they were not fully maximized, they
            Usaha dengan target RKAP 2023 sebesar Rp445,034 miliar   still  achieved  good  business  performance,  including
            tercapai Rp299,672 miliar atau terealisasi 67%, dan Laba/  the  Operating  Revenues,  with  a  2023  Company’s  Work
            Rugi Usaha dengan target RKAP 2023 sebesar Rp52,33   Plan  and  Budget  (WP&B)  target  of  Rp445.034  billion,
            miliar  tercapai  (Rp18,616)    miliar  atau  terealisasi  -119%,   was  achieved  at  Rp299.672  billion,  or  67%  realized.  The
            namun demikian Perusahaan berhasil membukukan     Operating Profit/Loss, with a 2023 WP&B target of Rp52.33
            reverse cadangan piutang bermasalah dan Loan Recovery   billion, was achieved at (Rp18.616) billion, or -119% realized.
            sebesar  Rp89,773  miliar  sehingga  Pendapatan/Beban   However,  the  Company  managed  to  book  a  reverse
            lain-lain  melampaui  target  RKAP  2023  sebesar  Rp(14,58)   allowance  for  bad  debts  and  Loan  Recovery  of  Rp89.773
            miliar atau terealisasi -715,77%. Perusahaan membukukan   billion, resulting in other Income/Expense exceeding the
            laba bersih sebesar Rp70,739 miliar, 98% dari RKAP 2023   2023 WP&B target of Rp(14.58) billion, or -715.77% realized.
            dengan ROE 0,14%.                                 The  Company  recorded  a  net  profit  of  Rp70.739  billion,
                                                              achieving 98% of the 2023 WP&B, with a ROE of 0.14%.

            Dengan pencapaian tersebut diatas, Dewan Komisaris   Based on the aforementioned achievements, the Board
            berpendapat bahwa di tahun 2023, Direksi telah berusaha   of Commissioners believed that in 2023, the Board of
            untuk melaksanakan inisiatif strategik yang sudah   Directors strived to implement the strategic initiatives that
            ditetapkan, namun demikian masih diperlukan usaha   have  been  set.  However,  more  aggressive  and  proactive
            yang lebih agresif dan proaktif  untuk mempertahankan   efforts are still required to sustain even better results.
            hasil yang lebih baik lagi secara berkelanjutan. Khususnya   Specifically,  this  includes  achieving  a  more  dominant
            untuk mewujudkan komposisi bisnis segmen ritel yang   composition of the retail segment business compared to
            lebih dominan versus bisnis segmen institusi serta   the institutional segment business and establishing it as
            mampu menjadi backbone biaya operasional perusahaan   the backbone of the Company's operational expenses in
            yang sesuai dengan keinginan pemegang saham.      line with shareholder expectations.

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  32  Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2023
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