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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
                                             Corporate Governance

            Keputusan dan Realisasi RUPS Sirkuler Tahun 2023
            Resolution and Realization of 2023 Circular GMS

                  Pelaksanaan RUPS
             No.       GMS                                       Keputusan RUPS
                   Implementation                                GMS Resolution
              1.   Keputusan      Menyetujui dan mengesahkan penetapan Tuan   Approved and ratified the appointment of Mr.
                  Pemegang Saham   SUMIHAR MANULLANG sebagai Pelaksana Tugas   SUMIHAR MANULLANG as Acting Independent
                  secara Sirkuler   Komisaris Independen untuk menjalankan tugas,   Commissioner to fulfill the same duties, authorities,
                  tanggal 23 Februari   kewenangan dan kewajiban yang sama sebagai   and obligations as an Independent Commissioner.
                  2023            Komisaris Independen untuk jangka waktu    This role commenced on February 10 , 2023, and
                  Circular Resolution   terhitung sejak tanggal 10 (sepuluh) Pebruari   continued until the appointment of a definitive
                  of Shareholders   2023 (dua ribu dua puluh tiga) sampai dengan    Independent Commissioner by the General
                  dated February 23 ,   diangkatnya Komisaris Independen definitif   Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of the Company.
                  2023            oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)
              2.   Keputusan      1.  Menyetujui pemberhentian dengan hormat   1.  The honorable dismissal of Mr. SUMIHAR
                  Pemegang Saham   Tuan SUMIHAR MANULLANG dari jabatannya   MANULLANG from his position as Acting
                  secara Sirkuler   selaku Plt. Komisaris Independen Perseroan   Independent Commissioner of the Company was
                  tanggal 24 Oktober   sebagaimana telah mendapat persetujuan dari   approved, as validated by the Financial Services
                  2023             Otoritas Jasa Keuangan berdasarkan surat Nomor   Authority through letter No. S-2788/PM.21/2023
                  Circular Resolution   S-2788/PM.21/2023 tanggal 27 September 2023   dated September 27 , 2023, on Changes in the
                  of Shareholders   perihal Perubahan Susunan Anggota Direksi dan   Composition of the Board of Directors and Board
                  dated October 24 ,   Dewan Komisaris, terhitung sejak tanggal efektif   of Commissioners. This dismissal took effect as
                  2023             Keputusan Pemegang Saham, dengan disertai   of the date of the Shareholders' Resolution, with
                                   ucapan terimakasih atas segala sumbangan   gratitude for all contributions of energy and
                                   tenaga dan pikirannya selama memangku   thought during his tenure.
                                   jabatan tersebut.
                                  2.  Menyetujui pengangkatan Tuan DONSUWAN   2.  The appointment of Mr. DONSUWAN
                                   SIMATUPANG sebagai Komisaris Independen   SIMATUPANG as Independent Commissioner
                                   Perseroan yang telah memperoleh persetujuan   of the Company was approved. He obtained
                                   dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan berdasarkan surat   approval from the Financial Services Authority
                                   S-2788/PM.21/2023 tanggal 27 September 2023   based on letter S-2788/PM.21/2023 dated
                                   perihal Perubahan Susunan Anggota Direksi dan   September 27 , 2023 on Changes in the
                                   Dewan Komisaris, untuk masa jabatan 3 (tiga)   Composition of Members of the Board of
                                   tahun terhitung sejak tanggal efektif Keputusan   Directors and Board of Commissioners. His term
                                   Pemegang Saham, dengan tidak mengurangi   of office was set for 3 (three) years, starting on the
                                   hak RUPS untuk memberhentikan sewaktu-  effective date of the Shareholders' Resolution,
                                   waktu sebelum masa jabatannya tersebut   with the GMS retained the right to dismiss him
                                   berakhir sesuai ketentuan Pasal 14 ayat (18)   at any time before the expiration of his term of
                                   Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan Pasal 119 juncto   office, in accordance with the provisions of Article
                                   Pasal 105 Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas.   14 paragraph (18) of the Company's Articles of
                                                                         Association and Article 119 juncto with Article 105
                                                                         of the Limited Liability Company Law.
                                  3.  Menyetujui pengangkatan Nyonya FIFI   3.  The appointment of Mrs. FIFI VIRGANTRIA as
                                   VIRGANTRIA, BONG sebagai Direktur Perseroan   Managing Director of the Company, responsible
                                   yang bertanggung jawab atas fungsi Retail &   for the Retail & Information Technology function,
                                   Information Technology yang telah memperoleh   was approved. She obtained approval from the
                                   persetujuan dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan   Financial Services Authority based on letter No.
                                   berdasarkan surat Nomor S-2788/PM.21/2023   S-2788/PM.21/2023 dated September 27 , 2023
                                   tanggal 27  September 2023 perihal Perubahan   on Changes in the Composition of Members
                                   Susunan Anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris,   of the Board of Directors and the Board of
                                   untuk masa jabatan 3 (tiga) tahun terhitung sejak   Commissioners. Her term of office was set for
                                   tanggal efektif Keputusan Pemegang Saham,   3 (three) years, starting from the effective date
                                   dengan tidak mengurangi hak RUPS untuk   of the Shareholders' Resolution, with the (GMS)
                                   memberhentikan sewaktu-waktu sebelum masa   retained the right to dismiss her at any time
                                   jabatannya tersebut berakhir sesuai ketentuan   before the expiration of her term of office, in
                                   Pasal 10 ayat (15) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan   accordance with the provisions of Article 10
                                   Pasal 105 Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas.  paragraph (15) of the Company's Articles of
                                                                         Association and Article 105 of the Limited Liability
                                                                         Company Law.

            Seluruh keputusan rapat yang dihasilkan dalam RUPS   All resolutions made in the Circular GMS mentioned
            Sirkuler di atas telah direalisasikan  seluruhnya  pada   above were fully implemented in 2023 and documented
            tahun 2023 dan telah dituangkan dalam Akta Pernyataan   in the Deed of Statement of Shareholders Resolutions
            Keputusan Pemegang Saham serta dilaporkan kepada   and  reported  to  the  Ministry  of  Law  and  Human  Rights
            Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik   of the Republic of Indonesia, Director General of Legal
            Indonesia Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum.   Administrative Affairs.

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