Page 149 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 149

Konsistensi atas komitmen Dewan Komisaris dan   The unwavering commitment of the Board of
               Direksi  dalam menerapkan tata  kelola berkelanjutan   Commissioners and  the Board of Directors to
               di setiap lini bisnis Perusahaan, berhasil membawa   implement sustainable governance in every aspect of
               BRIDS  pada perolehan berbagai penghargaan  di   the Company's operations led BRIDS to achieve several
               bidang tata kelola di tahun 2023, diantaranya sebagai   awards in the governance sector in 2023. These awards
               Best ESG Financing of The Year in Indonesia kategori   included the  Best  ESG  Financing  of  the  Year in
               penerbitan Green Bond pada ajang Alpha Southeast   Indonesia for the Green Bond issuance category at the
               Asia's 17  ESG Green Finance Awards 2023 dan   Alpha Southeast Asia's 17  ESG Green Finance Awards
               penghargaan Indonesia Excellence GCG Ethics  in   2023, as well as the Indonesia Excellence GCG Ethics
               Generating  Innovation  and  Developing  Business   in Generating Innovation and Developing Business
               Segmentation  dalam  ajang  penghargaan  Indonesia   Segmentation award at the Indonesia Excellence
               Excellence Good Corporate Governance Awards yang   Good Corporate Governance Awards organized by
               diselenggarakan oleh Warta Ekonomi.            Warta Ekonomi.

            Struktur Tata Kelola Perusahaan

            Corporate Governance Structure
            [GRI 2-9]

            Sesuai Undang Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang    In compliance with Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability
            Perseroan Terbatas dan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan,   Companies and the Company's Articles of Association, the
            struktur organ tata kelola Perseroan secara garis besar   governance structure of the Company comprises three
            terdiri  dari  tiga  organ  utama,  yakni  Rapat  Umum   principal organs: The General Meeting of Shareholders
            Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Dewan Komisaris, dan Direksi.   (GMS), the Board of Commissioners, and the Board of
            Selain keberadaan organ utama, Perusahaan juga    Directors. In addition to these main organs, the Company
            memiliki organ pendukung yang berada di bawah Dewan   also includes supporting organs under the Board of
            Komisaris, yaitu Komite Audit dan Pemantau Risiko, serta   Commissioners, such as the Audit and Risk Oversight
            organ pendukung Direksi yang terdiri dari Organ Komite,   Committee, and under the Board of Directors, including
            Sekretaris Perusahaan, Audit Internal, dan Unit Kerja   Committee Organs, Corporate Secretary, Internal Audit,
            lainnya. Struktur tata kelola selengkapnya disajikan dalam   and other Work Units. Details about the governance
            bagan berikut:                                    structure is provided in the following chart:

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  149  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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