Page 159 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 159

Susunan Anggota Direksi Perseroan per 31 Desember 2023
            Structure of the Company's Board of Directors as of December 31 , 2023

                 Nama             Jabatan            Dasar Pengangkatan      Surat Persetujuan OJK  Jabatan
                 Name             Position          Decree of Appointment     FSA Approval Letter
                                                                                                 Term of Office
             Laksono W.    Direktur Utama       Akta Pernyataan Keputusan RUPS    Surat No. S-9407/PM.21/2022   2022-2025
             Widodo        President Director        Nomor: 76 tanggal 18 November   tanggal 26 Oktober 2022
                                                2022                       Letter No. S-9407/PM.21/2022
                                                Deed of GMS Resolution No. 76   dated October 26 , 2022
                                                dated November 18 , 2022
             Hendra        Direktur Investment   Akta Pernyataan Keputusan RUPS    Surat No. S-262/PM.21/2022   2022-2025
             Hermawan      Banking Advisory     Nomor: 93 tanggal 10 Maret 2022  tanggal 16 Februari 2022
                           Managing Director    Deed of GMS Resolution No. 93   Letter No. S-262/PM.21/2022
                           Investment Banking   dated March 10 , 2022      dated February 16 , 2022
             Kevin         Direktur Investment   Akta Pernyataan Keputusan RUPS    Surat No. S-262/PM.21/2022   2022-2025
             Praharyawan   Banking Capital Market  Nomor: 93 tanggal 10 Maret 2022  tanggal 16 Februari 2022
                           Managing Director    Deed of GMS Resolution No. 93   Letter No. S-262/PM.21/2022
                           Investment Banking   dated March 10 , 2022      dated February 16 , 2022
                           Capital Market
             Fifi Virgantria,   Direktur Retail &   Akta Pernyataan Keputusan RUPS   Surat No. S-2788/PM.02/2023   2023-2026
             Bong          Information Technology  Nomor: 155 tanggal 30 Oktober   tanggal 27 September 2023
                           Managing Director Retail &   2023.              Letter No. S-2788/
                           Information Technology  Deed of GMS Resolution No. 155   PM.02/2023 dated
                                                dated October 30 , 2023    September 27 , 2023
            Pembidangan Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab

            Masing-Masing Anggota Direksi
            Division of Duties and Responsibilities of Each Member of the Board of Directors

            Selain pertanggungjawaban secara kolegial,  masing-  Besides collegial accountability, each Board of Directors
            masing anggota Direksi telah melakukan pembagian   member has performed responsibilities  based on
            tugas sesuai bidang dan kompetensinya agar pelaksanaan   their expertises and competencies to ensure optimal
            tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi dapat berjalan optimal.   implementation of the Board of Directors’ duties and
            Pembidangan  tugas masing-masing  anggota  Direksi   obligations. The specific duties of each Board of Directors
            ditetapkan melalui Keputusan Direksi Nomor KD.015/  member are outlined in Board of Directors Decree No.
            BRIDS/06/23 tanggal 27 Juni 2023 sebagai berikut.    KD.015/BRIDS/06/23 dated June 27 , 2023, as follows:

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  159  Integrated Annual Report 2023
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164