Page 106 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 106

                                                                                          Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022


                 ECONOMIC OVERVIEW

                 Aktivitas  perekonomian  global  pada  tahun 2022   Global economic activity  in 2022 has decelerated  from
                 menunjukkan  perlambatan  dari estimasi  awal. Faktor   original  estimates.  Factors  such as  ongoing geopolitical
                 yang mempengaruhi perlambatan  tersebut  seperti   and economic turmoil, as well as the aggressive tightening
                 gejolak geopolitik dan ekonomi yang masih berlanjut serta   of  monetary  policy in advanced countries,  continued
                 pengetatan  kebijakan  moneter  yang  agresif  terutama   to overshadow business performance,  particularly  the
                 pada  negara  maju,  terus  membayangi  kinerja  bisnis   Indonesian  capital  market.  A  significant  adjustment  in
                 terutama  pasar modal  di  Indonesia.  Koreksi  proyeksi   economic  growth  projections  comes with an increased
                 pertumbuhan  ekonomi  terjadi  secara  signifikan  disertai   risk of potential recession in the United States (U.S.) and
                 dengan  meningkatnya  risiko  potensi  resesi  yang  terjadi   Europe.  Furthermore,  China’s  Zero-Covid  Policy which
      ANALISIS DAN   PEMBAHASAN   MANAJEMEN  Nol-Covid  (Zero Covid Policy) di China yang diterapkan   global economic growth.
                                                                 came into force in 2022, has contributed to a slowdown in
                 di Amerika  Serikat  (AS) dan  Eropa. Selain  itu,  Kebijakan
                 pada  2022  juga  turut  berkontribusi  pada  perlambatan
                 pertumbuhan ekonomi global.

                 Ekonomi domestik tetap tercatat tumbuh di tengah risiko   The national economy continues  to experience  record
                 tekanan  global.  Tingkat  Produk Domestik  Bruto  (PDB)   growth in the face of global pressures. Indonesia’s level
                 Indonesia  sepanjang  2022  telah melampaui  kondisi  pra   of  Gross Domestic  Product  (GDP)  throughout 2022  has
                 pandemi.  Menguatnya  perekonomian  nasional  terlihat   surpassed  pre-pandemic  conditions. The strengthening
                 dari  capaian  pertumbuhan  ekonomi Indonesia triwulan   of  the  domestic  economy  is  reflected  in  the  results  of
                 IV  2022  yaitu  5,01  YoY  atau  0,36%  qtq.  Hal tersebut   Indonesia’s  economic  growth in the forth quarter  of
                 didorong oleh kinerja ekspor serta membaiknya konsumsi   2022, which was 5.01% YoY or 0.36% qtq and supported
                 rumah  tangga dan investasi  non-bangunan.  Indonesia   by export earnings and improved household consumption
                 juga mendapatkan windfall profit akibat tingginya harga   and non-productive investment. Indonesia also received
                 beberapa komoditas unggulan yang didominasi oleh batu   windfall  profit  from  the  high  prices  of  a  number  of  key
                 bara, minyak kelapa sawit, serta besi dan baja sehingga   commodities  which were  dominated  by coal, palm oil,
                 mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekspor.             along with iron and steel, which has helped drive export

                 Indonesia mengalami inflasi 5,51% sepanjang 2022. Angka   As of 2022, Indonesia experienced 5.51% inflation which
                 ini menjadi rekor inflasi tertinggi dalam 8 tahun terakhir   reflecting  the  highest  inflation  record  over  the  past  8
                 dengan  inflasi  inti  tercatat  menembus  level  3,36%  YoY,   years with core inflation reached 3.36% YoY, administered
                 inflasi  administered price sebesar  13,34%  YoY,  dan   price  inflation  of  13.34%  YoY,  and  volatile  food  inflation
                 inflasi  volatile food sebesar  5,61% YoY.  Beberapa  faktor   of  5.61%  YoY.  Factors  that  contributed  to  inflation  in
                 yang  menjadi  pemicu  inflasi  pada  2022  di  antaranya   2022,  including the scarcity  of cooking oil and  the
                 kelangkaan  minyak  goreng dan penetapan  kebijakan   implementation  of  one price  policy for cooking  oil,  the
                 satu  harga minyak  goreng, kenaikan  harga avtur  yang   rise  in avtur  price  leading  to higher air  fares,  weather-
                 mendorong  kenaikan  tarif  angkutan  udara,  faktor  cuaca   related factors that result in crop failure for a number of
                 yang  mengakibatkan  gagal panen  beberapa  komoditas   horticultural commodities which triggers price increases,
                 hortikultura  sehingga  memicu  kenaikan  harga, kenaikan   higher fuel prices, and seasonal factors such as Ramadan,
                 harga Bahan Bakar  Minyak  (BBM), serta  faktor  musiman   Christmas and New Year.
                 seperti Bulan Ramadhan, Natal dan Tahun Baru.

                 Sepanjang 2022 Bank Indonesia (BI) juga menaikkan suku   Throughout  2022,  Bank Indonesia  (BI) raised  the
                 bunga acuan 7 Days Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) sebanyak   benchmark  interest  rate  7 Days  Reverse  Repo  Rate
                 5 kali dalam  kurun  waktu  lima bulan. Kenaikan  suku   (BI7DRR)  by  5  times  in  five  months.  The  aggressive  BI’s
                 bunga  kebijakan BI yang  cukup agresif  tersebut  seiring   policy interest rate was part of the measure taken by the
                 dengan  langkah bank sentral  untuk  menahan  gejolak   central  bank  to contain  the domestic  economic  turmoil
                 ekonomi domestik di tengah lonjakan inflasi dan sebagai   in  the  midst  of  skyrocketing  inflation  and  as  a  means
                 pengetatan  kebijakan  moneter.  Total  kenaikan  BI7DRR   to strengthen  monetary  policy. The overall increase  in
                 sebesar 200 basis points (bps), hingga BI7DRR mencapai   BI7DRR  was 200  basis points (bps),  with the result  that
                 level 5,5% pada  akhir 2022.  Suku bunga BI  yang semula   BI7DRR reached 5.5% by the end of 2022. The BI interest
                 bertahan  pada  level 3,5% naik ke level 5,5% tersebut   rate, which originally stood at 3.5% level climbed to 5.5%
                 mencatatkan rekor tertinggi sejak Agustus 2019.   level, the highest since August 2019.

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