Page 96 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Management and
                                                          Discussion Analysis

                                                                                                 Iktisar Keuangan
                                                                                                 Performance Highlight

            akibat dampak gagal bayar Evergrande yang menyebabkan   policy, resulting in lockdown implementation in some regions
            penurunan kinerja pada sektor properti kebijakan ketat   which led to the declining public consumption and retail sales
            “Zero-Covid” sehingga terjadinya penerapan  lockdown di   slowdown at the end of 2021. On the other hand, most EMDEs
            sejumlah wilayah yang menyebabkan menurunnya konsumsi   were  still  struggling  for  their  country's  economic  recovery
            masyarakat dan  melambatnya penjualan  ritel  di akhir  2021.     with various risks of uncertainty. Overall, the world economic
            Di sisi lain, sebagian besar negara EMDEs masih terus berjuang   growth in 2021 was projected at 5.9% YoY (IMF, 2022).
            untuk pemulihan ekonomi negaranya dengan berbagai risiko
            ketidakpastian yang ada. Secara keseluruhan pertumbuhan
            ekonomi dunia pada 2021 diproyeksikan sebesar 5,9% yoy
            (IMF, 2022).

            Dari sisi domestik, pertumbuhan ekonomi pada TW IV-2021   From the domestic side, Indonesian economic growth in Q4-
            Indonesia tercatat tumbuh sebesar 5,02% (yoy) atau 3,69%   2021 was recorded at 5.02% (YoY) or 3.69% (YoY) in 2021. This
            (yoy) sepanjang tahun 2021. Angka tersebut lebih besar   figure  was  higher  than  International  Monetary  Fund  (IMF)
            dibandingkan proyeksi  International Monetary Fund (IMF)   projection  of  3.  20%  YoY  (October  2021),  after  being  revised
            yang sebesar 3,20% yoy (Oktober, 2021), setelah direvisi turun   decreased from the previous projection of 3.90% YoY due to
            dari proyeksi sebelumnya sebesar 3,90% yoy akibat berbagai   various risks occurred in the second half of 2021. This growth
            risiko yang muncul di paruh kedua tahun 2021. Pertumbuhan   indicated that Q4-2021 growth had returned to pre-pandemic
            tersebut menandakan bahwa pertumbuhan TW IV-2021 telah   levels that were always in the range of 5.00%. In terms of the
            kembali ke  level pra-pandemi yang selalu berada di kisaran   business sector, the health services sector led the growth of
            5,00%. Dari sisi lapangan usaha, sektor jasa kesehatan   Q4-2021 by 12.16% YoY or 10.46% YoY throughout 2021. It was
            memimpin pertumbuhan TW IV-2021 sebesar 12,16% yoy atau   in line with the government program to fight the pandemic and
            10,46% yoy sepanjang tahun 2021. Sejalan dengan program   public consumption tendency that focus on maintaining their
            pemerintah untuk melawan pandemi dan tendensi konsumsi   health throughout 2021. In terms of spending, it was recorded
            masyarakat yang fokus menjaga kesehatannya sepanjang   that government spending grew by 5.25% YoY with 30% of the
            2021. Dari sisi pengeluaran, tercatat bahwa pengeluaran   budget being used in Q4-2021, Gross Fixed Capital Formation
            pemerintah tumbuh sebesar 5,25% yoy dengan porsi 30%   (PMTB) grew by 4.49% YoY with the Foreign Investment (PMA)
            anggarannya digunakan pada TW IV-2021,  Pembentukan   and the Domestic Investment (PMDN) growing in double digits
            Modal Tetap Bruto (PMTB) tumbuh sebesar 4,49% yoy dengan   respectively by 10.10% YoY and 15.20% YoY.
            PMA dan PMDN yang tumbuh dua digit masing-masing sebesar
            10,10% yoy dan 15,20% yoy.

            Inflasi  tercatat  rendah  selama  2021  dengan  inflasi  Indeks   Inflation was recorded to be low during 2021 with the Consumer
            Harga Konsumen pada Desember 2021 sebesar 0,57% mtm   Price Index inflation in December 2021 at 0.57% MtM or 1.87%
            atau 1,87% yoy. Angka tersebut meningkat dibandingkan   YoY.  This  figure  increased  compared  to  inflation  in  2020  by
            inflasi  pada  2020  sebesar  1,68%  yoy.  Perkembangan  inflasi   1.68% YoY. Core inflation was recorded as low at 1.56% YoY, a
            inti tercatat rendah sebesar 1,56% yoy, sedikit mengalami   slight decrease compared to 2020 at 1.60% YoY. It was due to
            penurunan dibandingkan 2020 yaitu sebesar 1,60% yoy.   the lack of recovery in domestic demand during the COVID-19
            Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh belum pulihnya permintaan   pandemic,  stable  exchange  rates,  and  well-maintained
            domestik akibat pandemi COVID-19, nilai tukar yang stabil, dan   inflation expectations, as well as the minimal effect of global
            ekspektasi inflasi yang terjaga, serta pengaruh tekanan harga   price pressure on domestic demand. Additionally, volatile
            global  ke  domestik  yang  minimal.  Selain  itu,  inflasi  volatile   food inflation and administered prices inflation were recorded
            food  dan  inflasi administered prices masing-masing tercatat   respectively at 3.20% YoY and 1.79% YoY. It was supported by
            sebesar 3,20% yoy dan 1,79% yoy. Hal tersebut didukung   the availability of supplies and the smooth distribution of foods
            ketersediaan pasokan dan kelancaran distribusi bahan pangan   as well as the increase in administered prices inflation due to
            serta peningkatan yang terjadi pada inflasi administered prices   the increased air transport fares in the middle of increased
            terjadi karena peningkatan tarif angkutan udara di tengah   public mobility and increase in tobacco excise.
            meningkatnya mobilitas masyarakat dan kenaikan cukai

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
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