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Corporate Governance
4. Memastikan terciptanya komunikasi yang baik antara 4. Ensured the creation of good communication between the
Perusahaan dengan Stakeholders Company and Stakeholders
5. Memastikan penyelenggaraan rapat Direksi, rapat Direksi & 5. Ensured that the holding of the Board of Directors' meeting,
Komisaris dan RUPS sesuai dengan AD/ART the Board of Directors & Commissioners' meeting, and the
6. Penyelenggaraan kegiatan Perusahaan dengan Pemegang GMS are following the AD/ART
Saham 6. Organizing Company activities with Shareholders
7. Memastikan penyampaian laporan tahunan dan RKAP 7. Ensured the submission of the Company's annual report
Perusahaan sesuai dengan waktu yang ditentukan and RKAP following the specified time
8. Media relasi 8. Media relations
9. Melaksanakan Corporate Social Responsibility 9. Implemented Corporate Social Responsibility
10. Sebagai cost centre untuk biaya pemasaran 10. As a cost center for marketing costs
Divisi Audit Internal merupakan organ pendukung Direksi Internal Audit Division is a supporting organ for the Board of
yang berada langsung di bawah dan bertanggung jawab Directors which is directly under and responsible directly to the
secara langsung kepada Direktur Utama. Divisi Audit Internal President Director. Internal Audit Division was established to
dibentuk guna meningkatkan efektivitas Manajemen Risiko improve the effectiveness of Risk Management and Corporate
dan Tata Kelola Perusahaan sehingga dapat memberikan nilai Governance to provide added values for the stakeholders and
tambah bagi pemangku kepentingan dan pengembangan develop the Company operations. Internal Audit Division is in
operasional Perusahaan. Divisi Audit Internal bertugas untuk charge of ensuring that the internal control system is effective
memastikan bahwa sistem pengendalian internal berjalan and adequate in safeguarding the Company's assets. The
efektif dan memadai dalam menjaga aset Perusahaan. Ruang scope of work of Internal Audit Division includes examination
lingkup pekerjaan Divisi Audit Internal mencakup pemeriksaan or evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of internal
atau evaluasi atas efektivitas dan kualitas internal control, control, implementation of risk management, and governance
penerapan risk management, dan proses governance semua processes for all business and operational functions to help
fungsi bisnis dan operasional dalam rangka membantu the Company achieve its objectives.
Perusahaan mencapai tujuannya.
Profil Kepala Divisi Internal Audit Profile of the Head of Internal Audit
Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. S-28/265/V/HR tanggal 13 Based on Decree No. S-28/265/V/HR on May 13, 2019, Internal
Mei 2019 Divisi Internal Audit diketuai oleh Ade Kusmayadi Audit Division is chaired by Ade Kusmayadi who is assisted by
yang dibantu dengan 4 orang pegawai. Profil Ketua Divisi 4 employees. The profile of the Head of Internal Audit Division
Internal Audit diuraikan sebagai berikut: is described as follows:
Annual Report 2021
169 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas