Page 174 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
P. 174

Corporate Governance

            Temuan dan Tindak Lanjut                          Findings and Follow Up

            Sampai dengan TW IV - 2021, terkait hasil pemeriksaan   As of Quarter 4 - 2021, concerning the results of the 2019-2021
            PAT tahun 2019-2021, perbaikan atas temuan Audit yang   PAT  examination,  improvements  to  the  audit  findings  that
            telah  memadai sebesar  74% sedangkan yang  masih dalam   have been adequate are 74% while those that are still under
            pemantauan sebesar 26%.                           monitoring are 26%.

            Program Kerja Internal Audit 2022
            Internal Audit Work Program of 2022

                                                           Objek Audit
                                                          Audit Object
              1   Transaksi Margin Margin Transaction
              2   Divisi Business Operation & Custody Business Operation & Custody Division
              3   SID Joglosemar
              4   SID Mitra Depok
              5   Divisi Finance Accounting & Treasury Finance Accounting & Treasury Division
              6   Divisi Information Technology Information Technology Division
              7   Audit BI - ETP (Divisi IDCM)
              8   Pelaksanaan APU PPT –KYC/AML (Divisi RCM-ECM-DCM) Implementation of AML CTF –KYC/AML (RCM-ECM-DCM Division)
              9   Unit Purchasing & Procurement Purchasing & Procurement Unit
              10  Divisi Alternatif Product and Services Alternative Products and Services Division
              11  Divisi Retail Customer Distribution Retail Customer Distribution Division
              12  Special Audit (Jika Ada) Special Audit (If Any)


            Akuntan publik merupakan organ eksternal Perusahaan yang   Public accountant is an external organ of the Company whose
            berfungsi memberikan opini terkait kesesuaian penyajian   function is to provide opinions regarding the suitability for the
            laporan keuangan Perusahaan terhadap Standar Akuntansi   presentation of the Company's financial statements against the
            Keuangan (SAK) yang berlaku di Indonesia. Fungsi pengawasan   applicable Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) in Indonesia.
            independen terhadap aspek keuangan BRI Danareksa   This independent monitoring function of the financial aspects
            Sekuritas ini dilakukan dengan melaksanakan audit eksternal   of BRI Danareksa Sekuritas is performed by conducting an
            yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP).  external audit by Public Accounting Firm (PAF).

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           173                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179