Page 173 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Tata Kelola Perusahaan

            Piagam Audit Internal                             Internal Audit Charter

            Perusahaan telah memiliki pedoman atau piagam internal   The Company already has an internal audit manual or charter
            audit yang telah ditandatangani Direksi pada 30 Juli 2021   which had been signed by the Board of Directors on July 30,
            di  Jakarta. Pedoman  Internal  Audit tertuang  dalam  Surat   2021,  in  Jakarta.  The  Internal  Audit  Charter  is  contained
            Keputusan Direksi Perusahaan No. KD-010/BRIDS/07/2021.   in the Company's Board of Directors Decree No. KD-010/

            Adapun materi atau pokok-pokok Pedoman Internal Audit di   The material or the main points of the Internal Audit Charter
            antaranya adalah berisi Pendahuluan, Dasar Penyusunan,   include the Introduction, Basis for Preparation, Vision, and
            Visi dan Misi, Tujuan Kegiatan Audit Internal, Struktur dan   Mission, Objectives of Internal Audit Activities, Structure and
            Kedudukan Divisi Audit Internal, Ruang Lingkup, Tugas dan   Position  of  the  Internal  Audit  Division,  Scope,  Duties,  and
            Tanggung Jawab Divisi Audit Internal, Wewenang Divisi Audit   Responsibilities of the Internal Audit Division, Authority of the
            Internal, Etika Profesional, Persyaratan Auditor Internal,   Internal  Audit  Division,  Professional  Ethics,  Internal  Auditor
            Pelaporan dan Penutup.                            Requirements, Reporting, and Closing.

            Sertifikasi Internal Audit
            Internal Audit Certification

                                                                                              Tahun Penerbitan
                    Nama              Jabatan           Sertifikasi yang telah diikuti s.d. tahun 2021
                    Name              Position                 Certifications as of 2021          Year of
                                                    Wakil Perantara Pedagang Efek (WPPE)           2021
                                                    Broker-Dealer Representative (WPPE)
             Ade Kusmayadi          Division Head
                                                    Wakil Manager Investasi (WMI)                  2019
                                                    Investment Manager Representative (WMI)
                                                    Wakil Penjamin Emisi Efek (WPEE)
             Muhammad Muttaqin        Unit Head                                                    2021
                                                    Underwriter Representative (WPEE)
                                                    Wakil Penjamin Emisi Efek (WPEE)               2021
                                                    Underwriter Representative (WPEE)
             Ari Naryanto              Auditor
                                                    Wakil Perantara Pedagang Efek (WPPE)           2020
                                                    Broker-Dealer Representative (WPPE)
                                                    Wakil Perantara Pedagang Efek (WPPE)           2018
                                                    Broker-Dealer Representative (WPPE)
             Budi Wijayanto            Auditor
                                                    Wakil Manager Investasi (WMI)                  2020
                                                    Investment Manager Representative (WMI)

            Pelaksanaan Tugas Internal Audit                  Duties Implementation of Internal Audit

            Selama tahun 2021, Internal Audit BRIDS telah melaksanakan   In 2021, BRIDS Internal Audit has run regular audit activities on
            kegiatan regular audit atas 12 objek audit.       12 audit objects.

            Laporan Tahunan 2021                           172
            PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178