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Corporate Governance

            Rapat Komite Audit dan Pemantau Risiko            Meetings of Audit and Oversight Committee

            Rapat Komite Audit dan Pemantau Risiko diadakan minimal   Audit and Oversight Committee meetings are held at least
            satu kali dalam 3 bulan. Apabila diperlukan, rapat Komite   once in 3 months. If necessary, Audit and Oversight Committee
            Audit dan Pemantau Risiko dapat dihadiri oleh anggota Dewan   meetings can be attended by members of the Board of
            Komisaris, anggota Direksi atau auditor eksternal Perusahaan.  Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, or the
                                                              Company's external auditors.

            Selama tahun 2021, Komite Audit dan Pemantau Risiko   During 2021, the Audit and Risk Monitoring Committee held
            menyelenggarakan rapat sebanyak 27 kali dengan agenda   27 meetings with the agenda of discussing financial reports,
            membahas laporan keuangan, audit, manajemen risiko, dan   auditing, risk management, and governance.
            tata kelola.

            Pengembangan  Kompetensi  Komite  Audit  dan      Competency Development of Audit and Oversight
            Pemantau Risiko                                   Committee

            Informasi terkait pelatihan yang diikuti Komite Audit dan   Information related to the competency development
            Pemantau Risiko di tahun 2021 dapat dilihat pada Bab Profil   participated by Audit and Oversight Committee in 2021 is
            Perusahaan dalam Laporan Tahunan ini.             available in the Company Profile Chapter of this Annual Report.



            Komite Manajemen Risiko dibentuk sesuai dengan Keputusan   The Risk Management Committee was established following
            Direksi No: KD-34/16/RM-DS tanggal 23 November 2010   the Board of Directors Decree No: KD-34/16/RM-DS on
            Komite Manajemen Risiko bertugas untuk membantu Direksi   November 23, 2010. The Risk Management Committee is
            dalam memberikan informasi tentang risiko yang dihadapi   in charge of assisting the Board of Directors in providing
            Perusahaan  melalui  laporan  profil  risiko  agar  Direksi  dapat   information on the risks faced by the Company through risk
            menentukan mitigasi risiko yang dapat diterapkan.  profile reports; therefore, the Board of Directors can determine
                                                              the risk mitigation that can be applied.

            Struktur Keanggotaan
            Membership Structure

             Ketua Chairman           Direktur Utama President director
             Sekretaris Secretary     Staff Risk Management
             Anggota Member           -  Direktur Director
                                      -  Risk Management Officer

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           163                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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