Page 102 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
P. 102

Management and
                                                          Discussion Analysis



            Secara garis besar, strategi Perusahaan terbagi menjadi 3, yaitu   In  general,  the  Company's  strategy  is  divided  into  three,
            transformasi digital, transformasi budaya, dan transformasi   namely digital transformation, culture transformation, as well
            tata kelola dan manajemen risiko. Transformasi digital   as governance and risk management transformation. Digital
            meliputi pembaharuan retail online trading system (BRIGHTS),   transformation includes update of retail online trading system
            peningkatan  kapasitas  jaringan  server  dan  infrastruktur  IT   (BRIGHTS), enhancement of the capacity of server network and
            untuk menunjang kegiatan bisnis, serta pembukaan rekening   IT infrastructure to support business activity, as well as online
            secara online melalui eform yang telah terintegrasi dengan API   accounts opening through e-form that has been integrated with
            BRI untuk memudahkan nasabah dalam membuka rekening   API BRI to facilitate customer in opening securities accounts.
            efek. Strategi kedua adalah transformasi budaya perusahaan   The  second  strategy  is  transformation  of  the  Company's
            yang sejalan dengan AKHLAK (KBUMN) dan  BRIone  Culture   culture which is in line with AKHLAK (KBUMN) and BRIone
            (transformasi budaya dari BRI). Transformasi ini tidak kalah   Culture (culture transformation from BRI). This transformation
            pentingnya mengingat kinerja suatu Perusahaan sangat   is no less important considering that the Company
            bergantung pada budaya dan perilaku dari seluruh insan   performance is highly dependent on culture and behavior of
            di Perusahaan. Melalui transformasi ini, Perusahaan dapat   the entire Company people. Through this transformation, the
            mencatatkan kinerja terbaik melebihi target yang telah   Company  is  able  to  record  the  best  performance  exceeding
            ditetapkan  dan diharapkan  budaya yang  produktif  ini akan   the established targets and this productive culture is expected
            berlanjut atau bahkan berkembang di tahun-tahun berikutnya.   will continue or even develop in the following years. The
            Transformasi ketiga yang dilakukan adalah transformasi   third transformation conducted is governance and risk
            transformasi tata kelola dan manajemen risiko, dimana   management transformation, where the Company continues
            Perusahaan  terus  berupaya  menjaga  profil  risiko  pada  level   to strive maintaining risk profile at low level through several
            yang rendah melalui beberapa strategi seperti pengembangan   strategies such as the development of risk control system
            sistem pengawasan risiko di  tahun 2021,  penyesuaian  Risk   in 2021, adjustment of Risk Appetite Statement (RAS) which
            Appetite Statement (RAS) yang sejalan dengan strategi bisnis,   is in line with business strategy, as well as preparation of
            serta penyusunan kebijakan terkait Whistle Blowing System.   policies related to Whistleblowing System which purpose to
            Hal tersebut dilakukan agar memberikan rasa aman kepada   provide sense of secure to customer during transacting. On
            nasabah saat bertransaksi. Di sisi lain, Perusahaan juga   the other hand, the Company also conducts many governance
            melakukan banyak perbaikan tata kelola dari sisi organisasi di   improvement in terms of organization, among others, filling
            antaranya pengisian posisi strategis yaitu Direktur Keuangan,   strategic position, namely Director of Finance, Operational
            Operasional dan Teknologi, Komisaris Utama, Komite   and Technology, President Commissioner, Human Resources
            Sumber Daya Manusia dan Remunerasi, dan Komite Pengarah   and Remuneration Committee, and Information Technology
            Teknologi Informasi.                              Steering Committee.



            Tinjauan segmen usaha Perusahaan dilihat dari jenis-jenis   Business segment overview of the Company in terms of types
            usaha/produk yang dihasilkan, sesuai dengan PSAK 5 tentang   of business/products produced, in accordance with FSAS 5
            Segmen Operasi. Perusahaan memiliki 3 jenis usaha yaitu,   concerning Operating Segments. The Company has 3 types
            investment banking, brokeraging, dan research.    of businesses, namely, investment banking, brokeraging, and

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           101                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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