Page 44 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 44

                                                                                          Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022

                 Seiring  dengan  peningkatan  inflasi  global  yang  sangat   In  addition  to  the  very  sharp  rise  in  global  inflation  in
                 tinggi pada 2022, inflasi di Indonesia menurut BPS turut   2022,  according  to  the  BPS,  inflation  in  Indonesia  is
                 menunjukkan  kenaikan  menjadi  5,51%. Beberapa  faktor   also  up  5.51%.  Factors  that  contributed  to  inflation
                 yang  menjadi  pemicu  inflasi  pada  2022  di  antaranya   in  2022,  including  the  scarcity  of cooking oil and  the
                 kelangkaan  minyak  goreng dan penetapan  kebijakan   implementation  of  one price  policy for cooking  oil,  the
                 satu  harga minyak  goreng, kenaikan  harga avtur  yang   rise  in avtur  price  leading  to higher air  fares,  weather-
                                                                 related factors that result in crop failure for a number of
                 mendorong  kenaikan  tarif  angkutan  udara,  faktor  cuaca
       LAPORAN   MANJEMEN  yang  mengakibatkan  gagal panen  beberapa  komoditas   horticultural commodities which triggers price increases,
                                                                 higher fuel prices, and seasonal factors such as Ramadan,
                 hortikultura  sehingga  memicu  kenaikan  harga, kenaikan
                 harga BBM, serta faktor musiman seperti Bulan Ramadhan,
                 Natal dan Tahun Baru.                           Christmas and New Year.

                 Adanya tren inflasi Indonesia yang cenderung meningkat   Following  the  upward  trend  in  Indonesian  inflation  in
                 pada  2022,  BI telah  meresponnya  dengan  menaikkan   2022, Bank Indonesia (BI) responded with an increase in
                 suku bunga acuan BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate  (BI7DRR)   the benchmark  interest  rate  7 Days  Reverse  Repo  Rate
                 sebanyak lima kali menjadi 5,50% per Desember 2022 atau   (BI7DRR)  by  five  times  to  5.50%  as  of  December  2022
                 bertambah 200 bps dari posisi 2021 yang sebesar 3,50%.   or  an  increase  of 200  bps  from  the  2021  position  of
                 Kenaikan  suku bunga kebijakan  BI  yang cukup  agresif   3.50%. Bank  Indonesia  policy  rate  increase,  which was
                 tersebut  seiring  dengan  langkah bank  sentral  untuk   quite  aggressive,  is part  of the measure  taken  by the
                 menahan  gejolak ekonomi domestik di tengah lonjakan   central  bank  to contain  the domestic  economic  turmoil
                 inflasi dan sebagai pengetatan kebijakan moneter.  in the midst of skyrocketing inflation and as a means to
                                                                 strengthen monetary policy.

                 Nilai tukar Rupiah yang tercatat sempat stabil di rentang   The Rupiah exchange rate,  which was noted  to be
                 Rp14.250 – Rp14.500  per  USD  pada  Januari  hingga Mei   constant between Rp14,250 and Rp14,500 per USD from
                 2022.  Rupiah  menyentuh  puncaknya  di  atas  Rp15.700   January to May 2022. In November 2022, Rupiah peaked
                 per  USD pada  November  2022 dan  mulai  stabil  pada   over Rp15,700 per USD and begin to stabilize at Rp15,600
                 Rp15.600  per  USD  di  akhir  2022.  Fluktuasi  nilai  tukar   per USD by the end of 2022. Throughout 2022, the hawkish
                 Rupiah  terhadap Dolar  selama  2022  turut  dipengaruhi   interest rate policy of the United States Federal Reserve
                 oleh kebijakan suku bunga bank sentral Amerika Serikat   (The  Fed)  also  contributed  to  fluctuations  in  the  Rupiah
                 (AS) The Federal Reserve (The Fed) yang hawkish.  exchange rate against the Dollar.

                 Dari sisi fiskal, Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara   From a fiscal perspective, the 2022 State Budget (APBN)
                 (APBN) 2022  menjadi  instrumen  yang  mendukung   is an  instrument  that  supports  the  attainment  of
                 pencapaian  sasaran  target  pembangunan,  meredam   development  objectives,  reduce  the impacts  of  global
                 dampak  gejolak ekonomi  global, dan  menjaga  tingkat   economic  turmoil and  sustain  the  level of community
                 kesejahteraan masyarakat. Realisasi pendapatan negara   welfare. The realization of the revenues and donations of
                 dan hibah hingga akhir Desember 2022 tercatat mencapai   the State until the end of December 2022 was recorded
                 Rp2.626,42  triliun,  mengalami  pertumbuhan  sebesar   in  Rp2,626.42  trillion,  with  an  increase  of  30.58%
                 30,58% YoY. Sedangkan Realisasi belanja negara mencapai   YoY.  Meanwhile, State  Budget Realization  reached
                 Rp3.090,75, dengan pertumbuhan sebesar  10,90%  YoY.   Rp3,090.75, with a  growth of 10.90% YoY.  The positive
                 Kinerja  APBN yang positif  pada 2022  akan  memberikan   performance of 2022 State Budget (APBN) provided a solid
                 pondasi kuat dalam menghadapi tekanan ekonomi global   foundation to address global economic pressures and the
                 dan pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional.           implementation of domestic development.

                 Secara  umum,  daya  tahan  perekonomian  Indonesia   Overall, the resilience  of the Indonesian  economy
                 sepanjang  tahun  2022  masih  terjaga  dan  relatif  baik,   throughout 2022 has been maintained and relatively well,
                 terutama  karena ditopang  dari sisi permintaan  dan   particularly due to support on the demand and production
                 produksi yang cukup kokoh dari setiap sektor. Selain itu,   side  that  was fairly  strong in every  sector.  In addition,
                 penguatan pemulihan ekonomi juga membuka terciptanya   a stronger economic recovery provided  employment
                 kesempatan  kerja  dan  menurunkan  tingkat  penduduk   opportunities  and reduces  poverty  in Indonesia. As  of
                 miskin di Indonesia. Tercatat, hingga Maret 2022 jumlah   March  2022,  the number  of people  living in poverty  in
                 penduduk  miskin  di  Indonesia  menurun  dari  26,5  juta   Indonesia went from 26.5 million to 26.2 million, a drop

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