Page 269 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
P. 269

The original financial statements included herein are in the
                                                                                              Indonesian language.

                      PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS                         PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS
                    Tanggal 31 Desember 2021 dan untuk                     As of December 31, 2021 and
                  tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut                   for the year then ended
                       (Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah,                   (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah,
                          kecuali dinyatakan lain)                           unless otherwise stated)

              15.  PERPAJAKAN (lanjutan)                         15.  TAXATION (continued)

                 e.  Pemeriksaan pajak                                e.  Tax assessments

                     Pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2021 dan          As  of  December  31,  2021  and  2020,  The
                     2020,  Perusahaan  mengakui  klaim  atas           Company has recognized claim for tax refund for
                     kelebihan pembayaran pajak untuk tahun-tahun       fiscal years as follows:
                     pajak sebagai berikut:

                                                       31 Desember/December 31, 2021

                                             Pajak         Pajak
                                            penghasilan       Pertambahan     Pajak penghasilan
                                             badan/         Nilai/         lainnya/
                                             Corporate         Value         Other
                                             income tax         Added Tax         income tax         Total

                       Peninjauan kembali:                                                          Judicial review:
                          2015               6.016.739        -          -      6.016.739              2015

                       Banding:                                                                       Tax Appeal:
                          2017               13.665.294      4.646.282      -      18.311.576          2017
                          2018               14.313.490      3.905.429      -      18.218.919          2018

                      Total                  33.995.523      8.551.711      -      42.547.234          Total

                                                      31 Desember/December 31, 2020

                                             Pajak         Pajak
                                            penghasilan       Pertambahan     Pajak penghasilan
                                             badan/         Nilai/         lainnya/
                                             Corporate         Value         Other
                                             income tax         Added Tax         income tax         Total

                       Banding:                                                                       Tax Appeal:
                          2013               3.619.578      5.609.792      710.982      9.940.352      2013
                          2014               4.125.775      4.569.351      1.489.984      10.185.110    2014
                          2015               11.964.164       -          -      11.964.164             2015

                       Keberatan:                                                                    Tax Objection:
                          2017               13.665.294      4.646.282      -      18.311.576          2017
                          2018               14.313.490      3.905.429      -      18.218.919          2018

                       Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT):                                                  Tax Return (SPT):
                          2020               1.034.843        -          -      1.034.843              2020

                       Total                 48.723.144      18.730.854      2.200.966      69.654.964    Total

                     Tahun 2013                                         Year 2013

                     Pada tanggal 29 November 2017, Perusahaan          On November 29, 2017, the Company received
                     menerima  SKPKB  atas  Pajak  Penghasilan          SKPKB  which  stated  that  there  was  an
                     Badan (“PPh Badan”) untuk tahun fiskal 2013        underpayment  of  corporate  income  tax  (“CIT”)
                     sebesar  Rp4.322.760  (termasuk  bunga).           for fiscal year 2013 amounting to Rp4,322,760
                     Perusahaan juga menerima SKPKB atas Pajak          (including interest). The Company also received
                     Pertambahan   Nilai   (“PPN”)   dan   pajak        SKPKB for Value Added Tax (“VAT”) and other
                     penghasilan  lainnya  untuk  tahun  fiskal  2013   income taxes for fiscal year 2013 amounting to
                     masing-masing   sebesar    Rp6.262.923             Rp6,262,923 (including interest) and Rp882,651
                     (termasuk  bunga)  dan  Rp882.651  (termasuk       (including interest), respectively as well as STP
                     bunga) serta Surat Tagihan Pajak (“STP”) atas      for  VAT  amounting  to  Rp3,184,305  (including
                     PPN  sebesar  Rp3.184.305  (termasuk  denda)       penalty) and other income taxes amounting to
                     dan  pajak  penghasilan  lainnya  sebesar          Rp142,306 (principal and interest).
                     Rp142.306 (pokok dan bunga).

                     Pada tanggal 28 Desember 2017, Perusahaan          On December 28, 2017, the Company has made
                     telah  melakukan  pembayaran  atas  seluruh        full  payment  for  all  SKPKB  and  STP.  On
                     SKPKB  dan  STP  tersebut.  Pada  tanggal  28      February 28, 2018, the Company submitted an
                     Februari 2018, Perusahaan telah mengajukan         objection letter for all SKPKB and  cancellation
                     surat keberatan terhadap seluruh SKPKB dan         letter on the above STP to Directorate General of
                     surat  permohonan  pembatalan  terhadap  STP       Tax.
                     tersebut kepada Direktorat Jenderal Pajak.

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