Page 112 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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Tata Kelola

                                        PENERAPAN PRINSIP TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN YANG BAIK

               Struktur tata kelola perusahaan BRIDS terdiri dari tiga organ      The governance structure of BRIDS consists of three main
               utama, yaitu RUPS, Dewan Komisaris, dan Direksi. Selain   organs, namely the GMS, the Board of Commissioners,
               ketiga organ utama tersebut, untuk mendukung pelaksanaan   and  the  Board  of  Directors.  Beside  those,  to  support  the
               tugas Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, BRIDS juga membentuk   implementation of the duties of the Board of Commissioners
               organ pendukung, yaitu:                          and the Board of Directors, BRIDS also establishes the
                                                                supporting organs, namely:
               -  Komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris :             -   Committees under the Board of Commissioners:
                 1.  Komite Audit & Pemantau Risiko, dibentuk berdasarkan   1.   Audit & Risk Monitoring Committee, established based
                   SK Dewan Komisaris No. SK.005/BOC-BRIDS/11/2020   on the Board of Commissioners Decree No. SK.005/
                   tanggal 10 November 2020                          BOC-BRIDS/11/2020 on November 10, 2020
                 2.  Komite  Nominasi  dan  Remunerasi,  dibentuk  2.  The  Nomination  and  Remuneration  Committee,
                   berdasarkan SK Dewan Komisaris No. SK.006/BOC-    established based on the Board of Commissioners Decree
                   BRIDS/11/2020 tanggal 10 November 2020            No. SK.006/BOC-BRIDS/11/2020 on November 10, 2020
               -  Organ Pendukung Direksi                       -   Supporting Organs of the Board of Directors
                 1.  Komite Pengelolaan Risiko, dibentuk berdasarkan SK   1.   Risk Management Committee, formed based on the
                   Direksi No. KD-34/16/RM-DS pada tanggal 23 November   Board of Directors Decree No. KD-34/16 / RM-DS on
                   2010                                              November 23, 2010
                 2.  Komite SDM                                   2.   HC Committee
                 3.  Sekretaris Perusahaan                        3.   Corporate Secretary
                 4.  Divisi Audit Internal                        4.  Internal Audit Division

            Berikut Struktur GCG BRIDS:                           The following is the GCG structure of BRIDS:


                                               Dewan Komisaris
                                            Board of Commissioners

                    Komite Audit & Pemantau Risiko               Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi
                   Audit & Risk Monitoring Committee          Remuneration and Nomination Committee

                                              Board of Directors

                    Komite Manajemen Risiko    Direktur Utama           Komite SDM
                   Risk Management Committee  President Director       HR Committee

                          Direktur                Dir ektur              Direktur               Direktur
                          Director                Dir ect or             Director               Director
                      Investment Banking   Investment Banking Advisory      Retail            Business Operation &
                        Capital Market                                                             Custody

                                                                       Institutional Equity   Finance Accounting &
                    Strategy & Compliance
                                                                         Capital Market            Treasury
                                                                        Institutional Debt           IT
                     Economic Research
                                                                         Capital Market
      Laporan Tahunan 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  Corporate Secretary  Equity Research      HC, GA & PP
                       Internal Audit

                                                                         Debt Research

                                                       BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  |   @BRIDanareksa  |   @bridanareksa  |   BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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