Page 213 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 213
2022 Integrated Annual Report
Perusahaan juga memperhatikan kesejahteraan karyawan The company also focuses on employee welfare through
dengan memberikan beragam manfaat/tunjangan. Berikut a range of benefits. The following are the benefits and
manfaat/tunjangan yang diberikan kepada karyawan yang allowances granted to employees which are differentiated
dibedakan berdasarkan status kepegawaiannya. based on their employment status.
Tunjangan yang DIterima Karyawan berdasarkan Status Kepegawaian [GRI 401-2]
Benefits Received by Employees based on Employment Status [GRI 401-2]
Karyawan Karyawan
Bentuk Manfaat Tetap Kontrak
Benefit Permanent Contract
Employee Employee
Tunjangan Hari Raya Keagamaan Religious Holiday Allowance √ √
Bonus Kinerja Performance Bonuses √ √
Fasilitas Tunjangan Transportasi Transport Allowance Facility √ -
Fasilitas Subsidi Bunga Pinjaman Pembelian Kendaraan Bermotor √ -
Interest Subsidy Facility for Motor Vehicle Purchase Loans
Penghargaan Awards √ -
Santunan Kematian Bereavement Allowances √ -
Bantuan bagi Pegawai yang Mengalami Bencana Alam √ √ PERFORMANCE SUSTAINABILITY
Assistance for Employees Experiencing Natural Disasters
Hak Cuti Leave Entitlement √ √
Fasilitas Kesehatan Health Facility √ √
Jaminan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan Pegawai Social Security and Employee Welfare √ √
Dana Pensiun Retirement Fund √ -
Karyawan BRIDS juga berhak mendapatkan jatah BRIDS employees are also entitled to maternity leave
cuti melahirkan sesuai aturan perundang-undangan according to the regulations (one and a half months prior
(satu setengah bulan sebelum tanggal perkiraan akan to their due date) and one and a half months following the
melahirkan dan satu setengah bulan setelah tanggal delivery date) or as much as 3 (three) calendar months for
melahirkan) atau sebanyak 3 (tiga) bulan kalender bagi permanent female employees who are pregnant. On the
pegawai tetap perempuan yang hamil. Bagi karyawan laki- other hand, BRIDS provides 2 (two) working days of leave
laki, BRIDS memberikan jatah cuti sebanyak 2 (dua) hari for male employees to accompany his wife who gives birth
kerja untuk menemani istrinya yang melahirkan sesuai according to what is regulated in the Collective Labor
yang diatur dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB). Agreement (PKB).
Jumlah karyawan yang mengambil cuti melahirkan In 2022, 2 female employees taken maternity leave and all
selama tahun 2022 adalah sebanyak 2 (dua) karyawan employees (100%) have returned to work after their leave
perempuan. Seluruhnya (100%) telah kembali bekerja period ended. [GRI 401-3]
setelah masa cuti mereka selesai. [GRI 401-3]
Pada tahun 2022, BRIDS telah merekrut sebanyak 51 orang In 2022, BRIDS has recruited 51 new employees with a
karyawan baru dengan tingkat perekrutan sebesar 23,83%. hiring rate of 23.83%. 2022 Integrated Annual Report PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS