Page 146 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
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                                                                                          Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022

                  3.  Keputusan  Pemegang  Saham  beserta  seluruh  3.  Shareholder resolutions and all attachments serve
                    lampirannya menjadi pedoman bagi Direksi Perseroan   as guidelines for Directors of the Company in the
                    dalam melaksanakan program kerja dan pencapaian   implementation of work programs and the achievement
                    target kinerja pada Tahun Buku 2022 serta sebagai   of performance targets for the 2022 Fiscal Year and a
                    sarana pemantauan dan pengawasan bagi Dewan    supervisory means for the Board of Commissioners.
                    Komisaris Perseroan.
                  RUPS Sirkuler Tanggal 18 Mei 2022              Circular GMS dated May 18, 2022
                  1.  Memutuskan untuk menyetujui pengunduran diri  1.  Decided to approve the resignation of Ms. Friderica
                    Nyonya Friderica Widyasari Dewi dari  jabatannya   Widyasari Dewi from her position as President Director
                    selaku Direktur Utama Perseroan  sebagaimana telah   of the Company as has been approved by the Financial
                    mendapat persetujuan dari  Otoritas Jasa Keuangan   Services Authority based on letter Number S-382/
                    berdasarkan surat Nomor S-382/PM.21/2022 tanggal   PM.21/2022 dated April 22, 2022, regarding the Changes
                    22 (dua puluh dua)  April 2022 (dua ribu dua puluh dua)   in the Composition of the Members of the Board of
                    perihal  Perubahan Susunan Anggota Direksi, efektif     Directors, effective as of the date the Shareholders’
                    terhitung sejak tanggal ditandatanganinya  Keputusan   Decision is signed, with gratitude for all the contributions
                    Pemegang Saham, dengan disertai  ucapan terimakasih   of energy and thoughts while serving in the office.
                    atas segala sumbangan  tenaga dan pikirannya selama
       TATA KELOLA   PERUSAHAAN  2.  Memberikan kewenangan kepada Dewan  Komisaris  2.  Granted authority to the Board of Commissioners to
                    memangku jabatan tersebut.
                                                                   appoint one of the Company’s Board of Directors to
                    menunjuk salah satu Direksi  Perseroan untuk
                                                                   concurrently serve as Acting President Director with
                    merangkap sebagai Pelaksana  Tugas Direktur Utama
                                                                   the same powers and authority until the appointment
                    dengan kekuasaan dan  wewenang yang sama sampai
                    dengan  diangkatnya    Direktur  Utama  definitif.
                    Selanjutnya, surat  penunjukan Pelaksana Tugas   of  a  definitive  President  Director.  Furthermore,  the
                                                                   appointment letter for Acting President Director must
                    Direktur Utama  tersebut agar disampaikan kepada   be submitted to the Company’s Shareholders no later
                    Pemegang  Saham Perseroan paling lambat 2 (dua) hari     than 2 (two) days following the appointment.
                    setelah penunjukan.
                  RUPS Sirkuler Tanggal 19 Juli 2022             Circular GMS dated July 19, 2022
                  Menyetujui pengunduran diri Tuan Mohammad Adib dari  Approved the resignation of Mr. Mohammad Adib from his
                  jabatannya selaku Direktur Perseroan terhitung efektif  position as a Director of the Company, effective from May
                  sejak tanggal 27 Mei 2022, dengan memperhatikan  27, 2022, and has been approved by the Financial Services
                  persetujuan dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan berdasarkan  Authority based on letter No. S-545/PM.21/2022 dated
                  surat No. S-545/PM.21/2022 tanggal 22 Juni 2022 perihal  June 22, 2022 regarding the Changes in the Composition of
                  Perubahan Susunan Anggota Direksi.             the Members of the Board of Directors.
                  RUPS Sirkuler Tanggal 12 Agustus 2022          Circular GMS dated August 12, 2022
                  1.  Menyetujui pemberhentian dengan hormat Tuan  1.  Approved the respectful dismissal of Mr. Soehandjono
                    Soehandjono  dari  jabatannya  selaku  Komisaris  from his position as Commissioner of the Company, as
                    Perseroan, terhitung sejak tanggal efektif Keputusan   of the effective date of the Shareholders’ Decision.
                    Pemegang Saham.
                  2.  Menyetujui  pengangkatan Tuan R.  Muhammad Irwan  2.  Decided to approve the appointment of Mr. R.
                    sebagai Komisaris Perseroan yang telah memperoleh   Muhammad Irwan as Commissioner  of the Company
                    persetujuan dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan berdasarkan   which has obtained approval from the Financial Services
                    surat No. S-542/PM/21/2022 tanggal 21 Juni 2022,   Authority based on letter No. S-542/PM/21/2022 dated
                    untuk masa jabatan 3 (tiga) tahun terhitung sejak   June 21, 2022, for a term of 3 (three) years effective from
                    tanggal  efektif Keputusan Pemegang Saham,  dengan   the date the Shareholders’ Decision is signed, without
                    tidak mengurangi hak RUPS untuk memberhentikan   prejudice to the right of the GMS to dismiss at any time
                    sewaktu-waktu sebelum masa jabatannya tersebut   before the term of office ends in accordance with the
                    berakhir sesuai ketentuan Pasal 14 ayat (18) Anggaran   provisions of Article 14 paragraph 18 of the Company’s
                    Dasar Perseroan dan Pasal 119 juncto Pasal 105 Undang-  Articles of Association and Article 119 juncto Article 105
                    Undang Perseroan Terbatas.                     of the Limited Liability Company.

                  RUPS Sirkuler Tanggal 15 November 2022         Circular GMS dated November 15, 2022
                  1.  Menyetujui pemberhentian dengan hormat Tuan Rico  1.  Approved  the  honorable  dismissal of Mr. Rico
      PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS  Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022  Utama  Perseroan sebagaimana telah   mendapatkan   Commissioner  of  the Company  which  has  been
                    Rizal Budidarmo  dari  jabatannya  selaku  Komisaris
                                                                   Rizal Budidarmo  from his  position as President
                                                                   approved by the Financial Services Authority based on
                    persetujuan dari Otoritas Jasa  Keuangan berdasarkan
                                                                   Letter  Number  S-923/PM.21/2022  dated  October  25,
                    Surat  Nomor   S-923/PM.21/2022  tanggal  25 Oktober
                                                                   2022  concerning  Changes to the Composition of  the
                    2022  perihal Perubahan  Susunan Anggota  Dewan
                                                                   Members of the Board of Commissioners, starting from
                    Komisaris,  terhitung sejak tanggal efektif Keputusan
                                                                   the effective date of the Shareholders Decree.
                    Pemegang Saham.

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