Page 36 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Management Report
Sejalan dengan membaiknya perekonomian nasional, In line with the improvement in the national economy,
kinerja pasar modal Indonesia juga menunjukkan perbaikan performance of the capital market also showed significant
yang cukup berarti. Hal ini tercermin dari stabilitas pasar, improvement. This is reflected in market stability, trading
aktivitas perdagangan, jumlah penghimpunan dana dan activity, total fundraising, and total retail investors that
jumlah investor ritel yang mencapai rekor tertinggi. Per scored the highest record. As of December 2021, the number
Desember 2021, jumlah investor ritel baru di Pasar Modal of new retail investors in the Capital Market reached 7.5
mencapai 7,5 juta investor. Jumlah ini meningkat sebesar 93% million investors. This number increased by 93% compared
dibandingkan jumlah investor ritel per Desember 2020 sebesar to the number of retail investors as of December 2020 which
3,9 juta investor. Fakta ini menunjukkan bahwa antusiasme reached around 3.9 million investors. This fact signifies that
investor ritel di tahun 2021 sangat tinggi. Jumlah investor the enthusiasm of retail investors in 2021 is greatly high. The
ritel pada tahun 2021 sudah meningkat lebih dari 3 kali lipat number of retail investors in 2021 increased more than 3 times
dibandingkan masa sebelum pandemi, yaitu di akhir tahun compared to the pre-pandemic period or at the end of 2019.
2019. Secara demografi, jumlah investor ini didominasi oleh Demographically, this number of investors is dominated by
investor domestik yang berumur di bawah 30 tahun yang domestic investors under the age of 30 reaching 60% of the
mencapai sekitar 60% dari total investor. total investors.
Sementara aktivitas perdagangan saham hingga akhir tahun Meanwhile, stock trading activity until the end of 2021
2021 tumbuh positif dengan kinerja Indeks Harga Saham grew positively with Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG)
Gabungan (IHSG) yang terus bergerak stabil dan cenderung performance which continued to move steadily and tended
meningkat dibandingkan triwulan III-2021. Bahkan di triwulan to increase compared to the third quarter of 2021. Even in the
IV-2021, IHSG sempat menembus rekor baru di level 6.723,39, fourth quarter of 2021, IHSG broke a new record at 6,723.39,
melampaui IHSG sebelum terjadinya pandemi. Sedangkan surpassing JCI prior the pandemic. Meanwhile, the stock
kapitalisasi pasar saham per 29 Desember 2021 mencapai market capitalization as of December 29, 2021 reached Rp8,275
Rp8.275 triliun atau meningkat 18,72%. trillion, an increase of 18.72%.
Aktivitas perdagangan juga mencatatkan rekor-rekor baru, di Trading activity also recorded new records, including the
antaranya frekuensi transaksi harian tertinggi terjadi pada 9 highest daily transaction frequency occurred on August 9,
Agustus 2021 yang mencapai 2,14 juta kali transaksi, volume 2021 which reached 2.14 million transactions, the highest
transaksi harian tertinggi yang mencapai 50,98 miliar saham daily transaction volume which reached 50.98 billion shares
di 9 November 2021, dan kapitalisasi pasar tertinggi Rp8.275 on November 9, 2021, and the highest market capitalization of
triliun di 29 Desember 2021. Rp275 trillion as of December 29, 2021.
Kebijakan Strategis BRIDS
Strategic Policy of BIRDS
BRIDS memiliki aspirasi untuk menjadi the most valuable BRIDS has aspirations to become the most valuable securities
securities house in Indonesia, melalui beberapa bisnis house in Indonesia, through its main businesses, namely retail
utamanya, yakni retail capital markets, equity and debt capital markets, equity and debt capital markets, underwriting
capital markets, underwriting dan advisory. Untuk mencapai and advisory. To achieve this aspiration, we carried out various
aspirasi dimaksud, kami melakukan berbagai inisiatif strategic initiatives, such as synergy and collaboration with
strategis, seperti sinergi dan kolaborasi dengan BRI group, BRI group, continuous development of digital-based systems
pengembangan sistem dan pelayanan berbasis digital secara and services, quality improvement of human resources and
berkesinambungan, peningkatan kualitas SDM dan budaya corporate culture, strengthening risk management, compliance
perusahaan, penguatan manajemen risiko, kepatuhan dan and corporate governance.
tata kelola perusahaan.
Annual Report 2021
35 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas