Page 24 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Management Report

            Atas upaya tersebut, Dewan Komisaris mengapresiasi Direksi   For those efforts, the Board of Commissioners appreciates the
            yang secara konsisten melakukan pengembangan layanan   Board of Directors for consistently developing application-
            berbasis aplikasi. Pengembangan layanan digital dilakukan   based services. The digital services are developed by observing
            dengan melihat penggunaan jaringan distribusi elektronik   the increasing use of electronic distribution networks by
            oleh nasabah yang semakin meningkat sejalan dengan tren   customers in line with trends and dynamic technological
            dan perkembangan teknologi yang dinamis.          development.

            Pandangan atas Prospek Usaha dari Rencana yang Disusun oleh Direksi
            Views on Business Prospects from the Plans Prepared by the Board of Directors

            Tahun 2022 diproyeksi masih cukup menantang, dampak   2022 is projected to be quite challenging, the COVID-19 impact
            COVID-19 diperkirakan masih akan ada, meskipun sentimen-  is  estimated  to  still  exist, although  positive  sentiments  for
            sentimen positif akan  rebound-nya perekonomian mulai   economy rebound have started to emerge since the start of
            muncul sejak dimulainya vaksinasi ke-3 (booster) pada awal   the 3rd vaccination (booster) in early January 2022. Growth
            Januari 2022 lalu. Indikator pertumbuhan pun menunjukkan   indicators  also  indicates  slow  improvement.  However, the
            perbaikan perlahan. Namun demikian, rencana kerja yang   work plan contained in the 2022 RKAP is quite optimistic to
            tertuang dalam RKAP tahun 2022 cukup optimis untuk   achieve the operating income target of Rp306.24 billion, an
            mencapai target pendapatan usaha sebesar Rp306,24 miliar   increase of Rp22.27 billion from the previous year of Rp283.98
            naik sebesar Rp22,27 miliar dari tahun sebelumnya Rp283,98   billion  or  7.84%  and  the  Company’s  net  profit  of  Rp127.03
            miliar atau sebesar 7,84% dan laba bersih perusahaan sebesar   billion, increased from the previous achievement of Rp93.87
            Rp127,03  miliar  naik  dari  pencapaian  sebelumnya Rp93,87   billion or increased by Rp33.16 billion or 35.32%.
            Miliar atau naik Rp33,16 miliar atau 35,32%.

            Dengan rencana kerja tersebut diharapkan roadmap Perseroan   With this work plan, it is expected that the Company road
            menjadi  Back on The Track  : Fokus Pada Pengembangan   map will become Back on The Track: Focus on Retail Business
            Bisnis Ritel akan terwujud sesuai dengan aspirasi posisi   Development  will be  actualized  following the  aspirations of
            perusahaan  di  antara  pelaku  pasar,  yaitu  :  Top  20  equity   the Company position among market players, namely: Top
            brokerage, Top 5 Equity underwriting, Top 2 bond brokerage   20 equity brokerage, Top 5 Equity underwriting, Top 2 bond
            dan Top 2 bond underwriting. Untuk memperkuat pencapaian   brokerage and Top 2 bond underwriting. To strengthen this
            tersebut  Dewan  Komisaris  yakin  dapat  tercapai  dengan   achievement, the Board of Commissioners believes that it
            harapan inisiatif strategis dapat diimplementasikan dengan   can be achieved with the hope that strategic initiatives can be
            konsisten, meliputi:                              implemented consistently, including:
            -  Dukungan dan realisasi penambahan modal perseroan dari   -   Support and realization of additional capital for the
              pemegang saham.                                   Company from the shareholders.
            -  Penguatan dan penyempurnaan seluruh layanan  digital   -   Strengthening and improvement of all digital services
              (Digital Services)
            -  Pengembangan dan penyempurnaan lanjutan  trading   -   Advanced trading system development and improvement
              system (Enhancement System Online Trading (Brights 2.0)  (Online Trading System Enhancement (Brights 2.0)
            -  Pemanfaatan Big Data Analytics dalam melakukan analisis   -   Utilization of Big Data Analytics in performing business
              bisnis dan penetrasi pasar                        analysis and market penetration
            -  Membangun fondasi sinergi dengan BRI dalam bisnis   -   Building synergy foundation with BRI in the broader advisory
              advisory & underwriting yang lebih luas           & underwriting business
            -  Pengembangan bisnis ETF                        -   ETF business development
            -  Transformasi Budaya Perusahaan (Culture Activation)  -   Corporate Culture Transformation (Culture Activation)
            -  High-profile Penjamin Emisi Saham              -   High-profile Underwriters
            -  Penguatan risk management dan tata kelola, serta  -   Strengthening risk management and governance, as well as
            -  Penerapan rencana keuangan berkelanjutan berbasis ESG   -  Implementation  of  ESG-based  sustainable  financial  plan
              sesuai dengan POJK No.51/POJK.03/2017.            based on FSA Regulation No.51/POJK.03/2017.

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           23                                PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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