Page 23 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Laporan Manajemen

                          Isu Stratejik                                 Keterangan
                         Strategic Issues                               Description
              3   Pengembangan Sistem        Telah selesai dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan.
                  Monitoring Risiko          Completely developed and implemented.
                  Development of Risk Monitoring
              4   Transformasi Culture Pelayanan   Telah dilakukan optimalisasi digital marketing dan social media  sebagai berikut :
                  Nasabah                    Instagram, Live IG, YouTube, Tele Channel dan Webinar .
                  Transformation of Customer   Digital marketing and social media optimization had been carried out as follows:
                  Service Culture            Instagram, Live IG, YouTube, Tele Channel and Webinars.
              5   Transformasi Budaya Perusahaan Telah dilaksanaan oleh Manajemen BRIDS Inisiatif Transformasi Budaya Perusahaan
                  Transformation of Corporate   Fase-1 di akhir Maret 2021, dan akan dilanjutkan ke Fase-2, meliputi: Culture Policy
                  Culture                    dan seluruh Culture Infrastructure  telah selesai dan telah disahkan oleh Manajemen
                                             BRIDS di  samping itu, di tahun 2021 telah dilakukan Culture Activation melalui
                                             penetapan program Kolaborasi Elaborasi Tatakelola yang baik tingkatkan jumlah
                                             dan kepuasan Pelanggan (Ketapel).
                                             BRIDS Management of Corporate Culture Transformation Initiative Phase-1
                                             had been implemented at the end of March 2021, and will continue to Phase-2,
                                             including: Culture Policy and the entire Culture Infrastructure had been completed
                                             and approved by BRIDS Management. In addition, Culture Activation had been
                                             carried out in 2021 through the establishment of Good Governance Elaboration
                                             Collaboration program to increase the number and satisfaction of Customers
              6   Sinergi Pemasaran WMG – BRI  Telah dilaksanakan oleh Manajemen BRIDS antara lain : Kerjasama APPE dengan
                  WMG Marketing Synergy – BRI  WMG BRI telah ditandatangani pada bulan September 2021; Piloting SLP di Puri
                                             Indah, Palembang, Semarang dan Solo masih terus dalam proses; Proses integrasi
                                             portofolio Aset Nasabah WMG-BRIDS masih terus berjalan dan masih menunggu
                                             kesiapan pengembangan sistem WMG; Program GNP telah berjalan sejak bulan
                                             Agustus 2021 dan hingga akhir tahun 2021 nasabah BRIDS yang telah menjadi
                                             nasabah WMG BRI sebanyak 69 Nasabah dengan total AUM sebesar Rp131,6 miliar.
                                             The BRIDS Management had implemented as follows: APPE cooperation with WMG
                                             BRI was signed in September 2021; SLP piloting in Puri Indah, Palembang, Semarang
                                             and Solo is still in progress; The process of integrating the WMG-BRIDS Customer
                                             Asset portfolio is still ongoing and is still waiting for the readiness of WMG system
                                             to develop; GNP program has been running since August 2021 and as of the end of
                                             2021, there were 69 BRIDS customers who have become WMG BRI customers with a
                                             total AUM of Rp131.6 billion.
              7   Kerjasama Sinergi BRI dengan   Sudah dilaksanakan oleh Manajemen BRIDS, antara lain: Melakukan sosialisasi
                  Direktorat UKM             awal mengenai materi dasar pasar modal dengan Kanwil BRI Jakarta 1,2,3
                  BRI Synergy Cooperation with   Jogjakarta, dan Surabaya; Koordinasi dengan divisi-divisi untuk mendukung
                  SME Directorate            kerjasama dan sinergi UKM BRI telah dilakukan (dengan SBM, DKM & INV); dan
                                             program Desentralisasi RDN juga telah berjalan di 21 Kanwil BRI. Program ini akan
                                             mendukung sinergi BRI terutama untuk kerjasama UKM kedepannya.
                                             The BRIDS Management had implemented as follows: Conducting initial
                                             socialization of basic materials of the capital market with the BRI Regional Offices
                                             Jakarta 1,2,3 Jogjakarta, and Surabaya; Coordination with divisions to support
                                             collaboration and synergy of BRI SME has been carried out (with SBM, DKM &
                                             INV); and the RDN Decentralization program has also been implemented in 21
                                             BRI Regional Offices. This program will support BRI synergy, especially for SME
                                             cooperation in the future.

            Laporan Tahunan 2021                           22
            PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28