Page 151 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Position Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Duties and Responsibilities
Direktur Utama 1. Mensupervisi dan mengkoordinir para 1. Supervising and coordinating the Managing
President DIrector Managing Director dan Senior Executive Vice Director and Senior Executive Vice President
President (SEVP) Strategy & Compliance. (SEVP) Strategy & Compliance.
2. Membidangi langsung fungsi-fungsi sebagai 2. Directly in charge of the following functions:
a. Corporate Secretary a. Corporate Secretary
b. Internal Audit b. Internal audit
c. Economic Research c. Economic Research
Managing Director Membidangi secara langsung fungsi investment Directly overseeing the investment banking
Investment Banking banking capital market. function of the capital market.
Capital Market
Managing Director Membidangi secara langsung fungsi Investment Directly overseeing the Investment Banking
Investment Banking Banking Advisory. Advisory function.
Managing Director 1. Mensupervisi dan mengkoordinir Senior 1. Supervising and coordinating the Retail Senior
Institutional & Retail Executive President (SEVP) Retail. Executive President (SEVP).
Capital Marekt 2. Membidangi secara langsung fungsi-fungsi 2. In charge of the following functions directly:
sebagai berikut:
a. Institutional Equity Capital Market; a. Institutional Equity Capital Markets;
b. Institutional Debt Capital Market; b. Institutional Debt Capital Markets;
c. Equity Research c. Equity Research
d. Debt Research d. Debt Research
Managing Director Membidangi secara langsung fungsi-fungsi Directly in charge of the following functions:
Operation, Finance & sebagai berikut:
Technology a. Business Operation & Custody; a. Business Operations & Custody;
b. Finance, Accounting & Treasury b. Finance, Accounting & Treasury
c. Information Technology c. Information Technology
d. Human Capital, General Affair & Purchasing d. Human Capital, General Affair & Purchasing
Procurement Procurement
Komposisi dan Susunan Keanggotaan Direksi Composition and Membership of the Board of
Tahun 2021 Directors in 2021
Di tahun 2021, komposisi susunan Direksi Perusahaan In 2021, the composition of the Company’s Board of Directors
mengalami 3 kali perubahan yaitu: changed 3 times as follows:
1. Perubahan pertama terjadi pada periode 16 Februari 1. The first change occurred in the period from February 16 to
sampai dengan 14 Oktober 2021, di mana Muhammad Adib October 14, 2021, where Muhammad Adib was appointed as
ditunjuk sebagai Direktur Perusahaan berdasarkan RUPS Director of the Company based on Circular GMS on February
Sirkuler tanggal 10 Februari 2021. 10, 2021.
2. Perubahan kedua terjadi pada periode 14 Oktober - 22 2. The second change occurred in the period of October 14 -
Desember 2021, di mana RUPS Sirkuler tanggal 4 Oktober December 22, 2021, where the Circular GMS on October 4,
2021 telah menyetujui pengunduran diri Budi Susanto 2021 approved the resignation of Budi Susanto as Director
sebagai Direktur Perusahaan dan efektif terhitung sejak of the Company and effective as of June 10, 2020.
tanggal 10 Juni 2020.
3. Perubahan ketiga terjadi pada periode 22 Desember - 31 3. The third change occurred in the period of December 22
Desember 2021, di mana Santi Suryandari tidak menjabat - December 31, 2021, in which Santi Suryandari was no
sebagai Direktur Perusahaan sejak tanggal 22 Desember longer served as Director of the Company since December
2021 dikarenakan habis masa jabatannya. 22, 2021 due to the expiration of her term of office.
Laporan Tahunan 2021 150
PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas