Page 152 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Corporate Governance

            Komposisi susunan Direksi Perusahaan di tahun 2021 adalah   The Composition of the Company's Board of Directors in 2021
            sebagai berikut:                                  is as follows:

            Susunan Direksi per 31 Desember 2021
            Composition of the Board of Directors as of December 31, 2021

                                                Masa                                                Periode
                 Nama           Jabatan        Jabatan     Dasar Penunjukan   Surat Persetujuan OJK  Jabatan
                 Name           Position       Term of    Appointment Decree   FSA Approval Letter  Term of
                                                Office                                              Office
             Friderica     Direktur Utama     2020 – 2023  Akta No. 60 tanggal 13   Surat No. S-75/  Ke-1
             Widyasari Dewi  President Director          Februari 2020       PM.21/2020 tanggal 27    1 st
                                                         Deed No. 60 dated   Januari 2020
                                                         February 13, 2020   Letter No. S-75/
                                                                             PM.21/2020 on January
                                                                             27, 2020
             Muhammad      Direktur           2021-2024  Akta No. 104 tanggal 16  Surat Nomor S-1198/  Ke-1
             Adib          Director                      Februari 2021       PM.21/2020 tanggal 25    1 st
                                                         Deed No. 104 dated   November 2020
                                                         February 16, 2021   Letter No. S-1198/
                                                                             PM.21/2020 on
                                                                             November 25, 2020
             Boumediene S.   Direktur         2017 - 2022  Akta No. 03 tanggal 19   Surat No. S-529/  Ke-1
             Halomoan      Director                      September 2017      PM.21/2017 tanggal 6     1 st
                                                         Deed No. 03 dated   September 2017
                                                         September 19, 2017  Letter No. S-529/
                                                                             PM.21/2017 on
                                                                             September 6, 2017

            Remunerasi Direksi                                Remuneration for Board of Directors

            Fungsi remunerasi Direksi dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris   The remuneration function for the Board of Directors is carried
            melalui persetujuan pemegang saham dalam Rapat Umum   out by the Board of Commissioners through the approval of the
            Pemegang Saham. Selama tahun 2021, remunerasi yang   shareholders at the General Meeting of Shareholders. In 2021,
            diterima Direksi adalah sebesar Rp13.047.157.938  the remuneration received by the Board of Directors amounted
                                                              to Rp13,047,157,938

            Penilaian Kinerja Komite Di bawah Direksi         Performance Assessment of Committees Under the
                                                              Board of Directors

            Evaluasi atas kinerja kinerja Komite di bawah Direksi dilakukan   The performance assessment of the Committees under
            secara kolektif dengan metode self  assessment yang mengacu   the Board of Directors is conducted collectively using self-
            pada Indeks Kerja Utama (IKU) dan Key Performance Indicator   assessment method referring to the Main Working Index (KPI)
            (KPI) Komite. Direksi memiliki dua Komite di bawah Direksi   and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the Committee. The
            yang membantu fungsi dan tugas Direksi, yaitu Komite   Board of Directors has two Committees Under the Board of
            Manajemen Risiko dan Komite SDM.                  Directors that assist the functions and duties of the Board of
                                                              Directors, namely the Risk Management Committee and the
                                                              HR Committee.

            Selama tahun 2021, Direksi menilai kinerja Komite Manajemen   In 2021, the Board of Directors assessed the performance of
            Risiko dan Komite SDM telah berjalan dengan baik.  the Risk Management Committee and the HR Committee was
                                                              running well.

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           151                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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