Page 148 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Corporate Governance

                       Rencana Kerja
              No.                                    Keterangan                        Explanation
                         Work plan
              3.  Rapat Dewan Komisaris  Sudah dilakukan secara tertib dan   Been conducted orderly and consistently. In
                  Board of Commissioners   konsisten. Selama tahun 2021 sudah 27   2021, 27 meetings were held followed by the
                  Meeting               kali dilakukan rapat dan dibuatkan minuta   minutes of the BOC meeting.
                                        rapat Dekomnya.
              4.  RADIKOM pembahasan    -  Sudah dilakukan secara tertib dan   -  Been carried out orderly and consistently;
                  perkembangan Kinerja    konsisten setiap bulan dilakukan Rapat   the Board of Directors and Commissioners
                  Perusahaan dan          Direksi Komisaris untuk kinerja bulanan   Meetings are held monthly to evaluate
                  tindaklanjut pengawasan   dan triwulan untuk kinerja tri wulanan.   performance and quarterly for quarterly
                  Dekom atas milestone    Sekaligus juga membahas inisiatif   performance. It also discusses Strategic
                  perusahaan              Strategi dan Laporan Recovery Piutang   initiatives  and  Troubled  Accounts
                  Meetings of BOC discuss   Bermasalahan. Total Selama Tahun 2021   Recovery Reports. In 2021, there were
                  the development of the   ada 29 surat Dekom ke Direksi yang berisi   29 letters in total, from the Board of
                  Company Performance     tanggapan dan masukan.             Commissioners to the Board of Directors
                  and follow-up supervision                                  containing responses and input.
                  of the Board of                                          -  4 Quarterly Supervisory Letters from the
                  Commissioners on the   -  Surat Pengawasan Dekom Tri Wulan   Board of Commissioners to Shareholders.
                  Company milestones      kepada Pemegang Saham ada 4 kali
              5.  Proses seleksi dan    Sudah dilakukan dan untuk Tahun 2021   Been carried out and for 2021; it is
                  pengajuan calon AP dan   diusulkan KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro &   proposed by Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
                  KAP untuk tahun buku   Surja, Anggota Firma Global Erns & Young.  Accounting Firm, Erns & Young Global Firm
                  2021 PT. Danareksa                                       Member.
                  Sekuritas kepada RUPST
                  The selection process
                  and submission of PA and
                  PAF candidates for 2021
                  Fiscal Year, PT. Danareksa
                  Sekuritas to the AGMS
              6.  Kunjungan/Zoom meeting   -  Sudah dilakukan terhadap SID Mangga   -  Been carried out on SID Mangga Dua &
                  ke Unit Kerja, 2 Unit   Dua & Kelapa Gading; SID Pondok Indah,   Kelapa Gading; SID Pondok Indah, and
                  kerja Operational (SID), 6   dan SID Universitas Indonesia dan   SID University of Indonesia and Field
                  Unit Kerja Support/Non   Tinjauan Lapangan ke calon SID BSD di   Overview to SID BSD candidates at BRI
                  Operasional             Gedung Kanca BRI BSD dan dibuatkan   BSD Office Building and made a report on
                  Visit/Zoom meeting to   Laporan Hasil Kunjungannya         the visit results
                  Work Units, 2 Operational   -  Untuk Unit Kerja Support dilakukan zoom  -  For the Supporting Work Unit, zoom
                  Work Units (SID), 6     dan atau onsite meeting terhadap Divisi   and or onsite meetings are held for
                  Support/Non-Operational   Corsec, Divisi Risk Manajemen, Divisi   the Corporate Secretary Division, Risk
                  Work Units              Finance, Divisi IT, Divisi GA, dan Divisi   Management Division, Finance Division,
                                          Kepatuhan & Legal dan dibuatkan minuta   IT Division, GA Division, and Compliance
                                          rapatnya.                          & Legal Division, and the minutes of the
                                                                             meeting is made.
                                        -  Review dan pengesahan Laporan Tata   -  Review and ratification of the Corporate
                                          kelola Perusahaan ke OJK (PIC Div.   Governance Report to FSA (PIC
                                          Kepatuhan)                         Compliance Division)
                                        -  Review dan pengesahan Kebijakan APU   -   Review and ratification of the Annual
                                          PPT Tahunan (PIC Div. Risk Management)  AML/CFT Policy (PIC Risk Management
                                        -  Review dan pengesahan Piagam Audit   Division)
                                          Perusahaan (PIC Div. Internal Audit)  -   Review and ratification of the Company's
                                        -  Review dan monitoring Rencana     Audit Charter (PIC Internal Audit Division)
                                          Kerja Anggaran dan Jangka Panjang   -   Review and monitoring of the Company's
                                          Perusahaan. (PIC Div. Finance)     Budget and Long-Term Work Plan. (PIC
                                                                             Finance Division)
                                        -  Review dan pengesahan kebijakan   -   Review and endorsement of Company
                                          – kebijakan Perusahaan, al: Risk   policies, eg: Risk Management,
                                          Management, Pengadaan Barang dan   Procurement of Goods and Services,
                                          Jasa, Kewenangan.                  Authority.
                                        -  Monitoring update dan Pembuatan SOP   -   Monitoring updates and Making SOP for
                                          Bisnis/Operasional Perusahaan      Business/Company Operations

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           147                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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