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Corporate Governance


            Dewan Komisaris merupakan Organ Perusahaan yang memiliki   The Board of Commissioners is a company organ in charge
            tugas mengawasi dan memberikan nasihat terhadap jalannya   of supervising and providing advice on the running of the
            Perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi. Dewan Komisaris   Company carried out by the Board of Directors. The Board
            bersifat kolektif kolegial, artinya ia merupakan Organ berwujud   of Commissioners is collegial, it  means that it is an organ
            majelis dan setiap Komisaris tidak dapat bertindak sendiri-  in the form of an assembly and each Commissioner cannot
            sendiri tanpa keputusan utuh Dewan Komisaris.     act independently  without the  full decision  of  the Board  of

            Dalam rangka menjalankan tugas pengawasan dan pemberian   In the context to perform task of supervising and providing
            nasihat  kepada  Direksi,  Dewan  Komisaris  mengacu  kepada   advice to the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners
            pedoman kerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi (board manual),   refers to the board manual while for the internal manual;
            sedangkan untuk pedoman kerja internal, mengacu pada   it refers to the Manual Board of Commissioners. The Board
            manual Dewan Komisaris.  Board Manual Dewan Komisaris   Manual of the Board of Commissioners was stipulated on
            ditetapkan  pada tanggal  25 Agustus  2020  melalui  Surat   August 25, 2020, through the Board of Commissioners Decree
            Keputusan Dewan Komisaris Nomor: SK-29/003/VIII/DEKOM.  Number: SK-29/003/VIII/DEKOM.

            Pedoman Kerja Dewan Komisaris berisikan antara lain:  The Board Manual of Commissioners contains the following:
            1.  Pendahuluan;  Latar  Belakang,  Visi  dan  Misi,  Tujuan,  dan   1.  Introduction; Background, Vision and Mission, Objectives,
               Landasan Hukum                                   and Legal Foundation
            2.  Organisasi  Dewan Komisaris; Keanggotaan Dewan   2.  Organization of the Board of Commissioners; Membership
               Komisaris, Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian        of the Board of Commissioners, Appointment, and Dismissal
            3.  Tugas, Kewajiban dan Wewenang; Uraian Tugas Dewan   3.  Duties, Obligations, and Authorities; Description of Duties
               Komisaris, Kewajiban Dewan Komisaris, Wewenang Dewan   of the Board of Commissioners, Obligations of the Board of
               Komisaris                                        Commissioners, Authority of the Board of Commissioners
            4.  Penyelenggaraan Rapat; Rapat Dewan Komisaris, Pelaporan   4.  Meetings; Board of Commissioners Meeting, Reporting, and
               dan Pertanggungjawaban Dewan Komisaris           Accountability of the Board of Commissioners

            Tugas Dewan Komisaris                             Duties of Board of Commissioners

            Dewan Komisaris bertugas melakukan pengawasan terhadap   The Board of Commissioners is in charge of supervising
            kebijakan pengurusan, jalannya pengurusan pada umumnya   management policies, the management in general both
            baik mengenai Perusahaan maupun usaha Perusahaan yang   regarding the Company and the Company business run by the
            dilakukan  oleh  Direksi  serta  memberikan  nasihat  kepada   Board of Directors as well as providing advice to the Board of
            Direksi termasuk pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan Rencana   Directors including supervision of the implementation of the
            Jangka Panjang Perusahaan, Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran   Company's Long Term Plan, Work Plan and Company Budget,
            Perusahaan, serta Ketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan Keputusan   as well as the provisions of the Articles of Association and
            Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, serta peraturan perundang-  Resolutions of General Meeting of Shareholders, as well as
            undangan yang berlaku, untuk kepentingan Perusahaan dan   applicable laws and regulations, for the benefit of the Company
            sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan.       and following the purposes and objectives of the Company.

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