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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
2021 dan PPL WPEE kedua pada 9 Oktober 2021. Pada PPL October 9, 2021. The second PPL was attended by the speaker
kedua dihadiri oleh narasumber Ketua Umum Komite Nasional of the Chairperson of National Committee on Governing
Kebijakan Governansi – Bapak Prof. Mardiasmo MBA., Ph.D., Policy – Prof. Mardiasmo MBA., Ph.D., CFr.A. Participation in
CFr.A. Keikutsertaan konsultasi dengan auditor eksternal PWC consultation with PWC external auditor on initiative by BRI to
atas inisiasi dari BRI untuk menilai maturitas penerapan GCG assess GCG implementation maturity of the Company.
Roadmap GCG GCG Roadmap
Pada tahun 2021 terjadi peningkatan penerapan GCG pada In 2021, it is shown an increase in GCG implementation in all
seluruh fungsi yang ada, Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan existing functions, which can be proven by the increase in the
meningkatnya jumlah nilai akhir faktor penilaian Tata final score of the Governance assessment factor by 94,515
Kelola sebesar 94.515 dengan kategori Peringkat 1 yang with a rating category of 1 which reflects that the Governance
mencerminkan Tata Kelola diimplementasikan dengan baik is well implemented where all/almost all of the Governance
dimana seluruh/hampir seluruh indikator Tata Kelola telah indicators have been met.
Governance Framework Governance Framework
BRI Danareksa Sekuritas menerapkan GCG dengan mengacu BRI Danareksa Sekuritas implements GCG by referring to
kepada 3 aspek Tata Kelola, yaitu struktur tata kelola 3 aspects of Governance: the governance structure, the
(governance structure), proses tata kelola (governance governance process, and the governance outcome.
process) dan hasil tata kelola (governance outcome).
1. Struktur tata kelola (governance structure) 1. Governance Structure
Perusahaan telah memiliki struktur tata kelola yang baik, The Company already has a Good Corporate Governance
sesuai dengan peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang structure, following applicable laws and regulations as well
berlaku dan kebutuhan internal Perusahaan. Struktur tata as internal needs of the Company. Corporate governance
kelola perusahaan BRI Danareksa Sekuritas terdiri dari tiga structure of BRI Danareksa Sekuritas consists of three main
organ utama, yaitu RUPS, Dewan Komisaris, dan Direksi. organs, namely the GMS, the Board of Commissioners,
Selain ketiga organ utama tersebut, untuk mendukung and the Board of Directors. Apart from the three main
pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi organs, to support duties implementation of the Board of
Perusahaan juga membentuk organ pendukung, yaitu: Commissioners and the Board of Directors, the Company
Komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris : had also established supporting organs as follows:
1. Komite Audit & Pemantau Risiko, dibentuk berdasarkan 1. Audit & Risk Monitoring Committee, established based
SK Dewan Komisaris No: SK.005/BOC-BRIDS/11/2020 on the Board of Commissioners Decree No: SK.005/BOC-
tanggal 10 November 2020; BRIDS/11/2020 on November 10, 2020;
Organ Pendukung Direksi Supporting Organs of the Board of Directors
1. Komite Pengelolaan Risiko, dibentuk berdasarkan SK 1. Risk Management Committee, established based on
Direksi No: KD-34/16/RM-DS pada tanggal 23 November the Board of Directors Decree No: KD-34/16/RM-DS on
2010 November 23, 2010
2. Komite SDM berdasarkan SK No. KD.006/BRIDS/04/2021 2. HC Committee based on Decree No.KD.006/
3. Komite Pengarah Teknologi Informasi, dibentuk 3. Information Technology Steering Committee,
berdasarkan SK No. KD.009/BRIDS/07/2021 tanggal 9 established based on Decree No. KD.009/BRIDS/07/2021
Juli 2021 dated July 9, 2021
4. Sekretaris Perusahaan 4. Corporate Secretary
5. Divisi Audit Internal 5. Internal Audit Division
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PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas