Page 122 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
P. 122
Management and
Discussion Analysis
Adanya pembatasan sosial selama tahun 2021 akibat pandemi Social restrictions during 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic
COVID-19, mendorong Perusahaan untuk intensifikasi aktivitas encourages the Company to intensify digital marketing
digital marketing melalui omni-channel yang dimiliki oleh activities through omni-channel owned by the Company in
Perusahaan dalam rangka meningkatkan nilai transaksi dan order to increase transaction value and market shares of equity
market share perantara perdagangan efek saham (equity brokerage. The Company continues to promote online literacy
brokerage). Program-program literasi dan edukasi terus and education programs during 2021 as a service improvement
digalangkan oleh Perusahaan selama tahun 2021 secara actualization for customers. Additionally, system renewal and
online sebagai bentuk peningkatan pelayanan bagi nasabah. IT infrastructure capacity building were also carried out to
Selain itu, pembaharuan sistem serta peningkatan kapasitas keep pace with the growing trend of retail investor activity in
infrastruktur IT juga dilakukan untung mengimbangi tren the capital market. In terms of bond brokerage, the Company
pertumbuhan aktivitas investor ritel di pasar modal. Dari synergizes with BRI Treasury Division in increasing transaction
sisi perantara perdagangan efek obligasi (bond brokerage), values and market shares. The following are some of strategic
Perusahaan melakukan sinergi dengan Divisi Treasury BRI initiatives by the Company related to marketing activities
dalam peningkatan nilai transaksi dan market share. Berikut during 2021:
beberapa strategi insiatif yang dilakukan Perusahaan terkait
kegiatan marketing selama tahun 2021:
1. Pengembangan Online Trading System (BRIGHTS) 1. Development of Online Trading System (BRIGHTS)
2. Optimalisasi Penggunaan Digital Asset dalam Kegiatan 2. Optimizing the Use of Digital Assets in Customer Service
Pelayanan Nasabah Activities
3. Sinergi dengan BRI dalam Enhancement Proses Pembukaan 3. Synergizing with BRI in Enhancement of Online Account
Rekening Secara Online Opening Process
4. Kerjasama dengan Divisi UKM BRI terkait Sosialisasi dan 4. Cooperation with BRI SME Division regarding Capital Market
Edukasi Pasar Modal Socialization and Education
5. Kerjasama office space dengan beberapa kantor cabang BRI 5. Office space cooperation with several BRI branch offices
6. Inisiasi integrasi dengan BRImo 6. Initiating integration with BRImo
Kebijakan Dividen
Dividend Policy
Kebijakan Dividen
Dividend Policy
Dasar kebijakan pembayaran dividen yang berlaku di The basis of dividend payment policy applied in the Company
Perusahaan mengacu pada ketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan refers to the provisions of Articles of Association and the GMS
hasil keputusan RUPS, dengan tetap mempertimbangkan resolution, while still considering the fairness of the payment
kewajaran atas pembayaran tersebut dan kepentingan and the interests of the Company.
Annual Report 2021
121 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas