Page 118 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Management and
Discussion Analysis
Realisasi total biaya operasional selama tahun 2021 sebesar The realization of operating costs during 2021 was Rp224.53
Rp224,53 miliar, lebih besar 8,53% dari anggaran. Hal ini billion or 8.53% greater than the budget. This was due to cost
disebabkan oleh adanya pencadangan biaya atas perhitungan reserves of actuarial valuation which previously was not listed
aktuaria yang sebelumnya tidak tercantum pada anggaran. in the budget.
Dengan figur pendapatan serta biaya tersebut diatas, realisasi With the income and cost figures above, the realization
Laba Usaha Perusahaan adalah Rp124,63 miliar dan berhasil of the Company's Operating Profit is Rp124.63 billion and
melampaui target RKAP sebesar 358,27%. Selain itu, ditambah successfully exceed ABOP target by 358.27%. Furthermore,
dengan adanya pencatatan pendapatan dan atau biaya lain- added with revenues and other costs recording, the Company
lain, Perusahaan mencatatkan laba sebelum pajak sebesar records income before tax at Rp117.59 billion or 314.38% of
Rp117,59 miliar atau sebesar 314,38% dari RKAP. Kemudian, the ABOP. Subsequently, the Company records its income tax
Perusahaan mencatat atas beban pajak penghasilan expense at Rp22.94 billion, so that the Company recorded Net
perusahaan sebesar Rp22,94 miliar, sehingga di tahun 2021 Income at Rp94.65 billion in 2021. The achievement of Net
Perusahaan mencatatkan Laba Bersih sebesar Rp94,65 miliar. Income in 2021 had exceeded the 2021 ABOP target which was
Pencapaian Laba Bersih tahun 2021 tersebut telah melampaui Rp29.18 billion or 324.40%.
target RKAP 2021 yaitu sebesar Rp29,18 miliar atau 324,40%.
Proyeksi Perekonomian Indonesia Tahun 2022
Indonesian Economic Projection in 2022
Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia diperkirakan akan The growth of Indonesian economy is estimated to be recovered
pulih di tahun 2021 meskipun BRI Danareksa Sekuritas in 2021 even though BRI Danareksa Sekuritas estimates that it
memperkirakan belum akan kembali pada level pertumbuhan is still not going to return to the average growth levels prior the
rata-rata sebelum pandemi. Proyeksi BRI Danareksa Sekuritas pandemic. The projection of BRI Danareksa Sekuritas is under
berada di bawah asumsi pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam the assumptions of economic growth in the 2021 RAPBN. The
RAPBN 2021. Perusahaan memperkirakan pertumbuhan Company estimates the economic growth in 2021 will be in the
ekonomi di 2021 akan di kisaran 2,9-4%, di bawah RAPBN range of 2.9-4%, below the 2021 RAPBN which predicted the
2021 yang memprediksikan pertumbuhan di kisaran 4,5- growth in the range of 4.5-5.5%. The uncertainty from COVID-19
5,5%. Ketidapastian dari Covid 19 diperkirakan masih akan pandemic is estimated to still occur in 2021, even though the
mewarnai tahun 2021 meskipun kemungkinan produksi vaksin possible production of vaccine began to be produced and
mulai di produksi dan didistribusikan di 2021 cukup tinggi. distributed in 2021 is relatively high.
Memasuki 2021, kondisi ekonomi nasional diperkirakan mulai Upon entering 2021, the national economic conditions is
pulih. Kondisi ‘new normal atau adaptasi kebiasaan baru’ estimated to begin to recover. The “new normal” condition
ditambah dengan faktor base effect yang rendah di 2020 along with low base effect factors in 2020 encourage economic
mendorong kinerja perekonomian tumbuh tinggi di 2021 pada performance to grow higher in 2021 in the range of 2.9-4%.
kisaran 2,9-4 persen. Proyeksi yang dibuat oleh Perusahaan Projections by the Company are lower than the government
lebih rendah dari asumsi pemerintah mengingat downside assumptions, considering the downside risk from the unexpired
risk dari belum berakhirnya gangguan akibat COVID-19. Durasi disruption caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The longer duration
Annual Report 2021
117 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas