Page 108 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
P. 108

Management and
                                                          Discussion Analysis

                                                                                    Kenaikan (Penurunan)
                                                                                     Increased (Decreased)
                                                   2021            2020
                          Uraian                                                  Selisih
                        Description              Rp(Ribuan)      Rp(Ribuan)      Rp(Ribuan)
                                                Rp(Thousands)   Rp(Thousands)                      (%)
             Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan           94.652.577,07   (238.040.831,46)  332.693.408,53   (140)%
             Profit (Loss) For The Year
             Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif             (9.213.376,33)  (9.782.112,07)    568.735,74     (6)%
             Comprehensive Income (Loss)
             Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan
             Comprehensive Income (Loss) For The   85.439.200,74   (247.822.943,03)  333.262.143,77   (134)%

            Pendapatan Usaha
            Operating Revenues

                                                                                       Kenaikan (Penurunan)
                                                                                       Increased (Decreased)
                                                         2021            2020
                             Uraian                   Rp(Ribuan)      Rp(Ribuan)        Selisih
                           Description                                                Rp(Ribuan)
                                                      Rp(Thousands)   Rp(Thousands)                   (%)

             Pendapatan kegiatan perantara perdagangan
             efek dan agen penjualan reksa dana        156.438.667,17     105.853.265,44   50.585.401,73   48%
             Brokerage activities and sale agent of mutual
             fund income
             Jasa Penasihat Keuangan                   102.792.490,10   115.868.056,02   (13.075.565,92)  (11)%
             Financial Advisory Services
             Pendapatan kegiatan penjaminan emisi dan
             penjualan efek                            108.169.980,31   12.499.066,59   95.670.913,72   765%
             Underwriting and securities selling income
             Pendapatan dividen dan bunga                8.334.509,46   5.776.076,78    2.558.432,68   44%
             Dividend and interest income
             Total Pendapatan Usaha                   375.735.646,17  239.996.464,83   128.322.973,34   57%
             Total Operating Revenues

            Selama tahun 2021, Perusahaan membukukan Pendapatan   During 2021, the Company booked Operating Revenues at
            Usaha  sebesar  Rp375.735  juta  atau naik  sebesar  57%  atau   Rp375,735  million, increased by 57% or Rp128,322 of Rp239,996
            Rp135.739 juta dari Rp239.996 juta di tahun 2020. Kontribusi   million in 2020. The contribution of this increase was obtained
            kenaikan ini diperoleh dari pendapatan atas jasa perantara   from income of brokerage services and underwriting services.
            perdagangan efek dan jasa penjaminan emisi.

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           107                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113