Page 109 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
P. 109

Analisis dan Pembahasan

            Beban Usaha
            Operating Expenses

                                                                                       Kenaikan (Penurunan)
                                                                                       Increased (Decreased)
                                                         2021            2022
                             Uraian                                                     Selisih
                           Description                Rp(Ribuan)      Rp(Ribuan)      Rp(Ribuan)
                                                      Rp(Thousands)   Rp(Thousands)                   (%)
             Gaji dan kesejahteraan karyawan             150.333.397,28          132.249.520,85            18.083.876,43   14%
             Salaries and employee welfare
             Penyisihan kerugian penurunan nilai         (16.508.604,09)         113.025.579,15       (129.534.183,24)  (115)%
             Allowance for impairment losses
             Biaya jasa penasihat keuangan                  47.804.759,92            73.372.787,60         (25.568.027,68)  (35)%
             Financial Advisory Services Cost
             Pemeliharaan sistem System maintenance         13.520.438,76            18.069.676,20            (4.549.237,44)  (25)%
             Penyusutan Depreciation                        11.726.102,44            11.373.532,98                  352.569,46   3%
             Umum dan Administrasi                            9.965.218,17              9.407.462,76                  557.755,41   6%
             General and Administrative
             Biaya transaksi bursa                            15.555.119,01            12.528.056,74   3.027.062,27   24%
             Exchange Transaction Costs
             Jasa profesional Professional Services           4.808.398,01              5.210.645,13               (402.247,12)  (8)%
             Penjaminan emisi Underwriting                    3.051.444,44              1.422.903,09              1.628.541,35   114%
             Iklan dan promosi                                 1.882.695,24               1.676.574,18                  206.121,06   12%
             Advertisements and Promotion
             Sewa Rental                                       1.564.823,61               1.418.747,76                  146.075,85   10%
             Jamuan dan donasi Banquets and donations            1.318.500,26               1.456.782,53                (138.282,27)  (9)%
             Kustodi Custody                                       859.866,77                  357.191,29                  502.675,48   141%
             Perjalanan dinas Official Travel                      839.584,45                  389.436,21                  450.148,24   116%

             Pelatihan dan seminar Training and seminars                274.199,77                  260.003,81                     14.195,96   5%
             Lain-lain Others                                  4.105.501,12               1.474.830,24              2.630.670,88   178%
             Total Beban Usaha                         251.101.445,17       383.693.730,52    (132.592.285,35)  (35)%
             Total Operating Expenses

            Jumlah beban usaha sampai dengan 31 Desember 2021   Total  operating  expenses  as  of  December  31,  2021,  reached
            mencapai Rp251.101 juta, mengalami penurunan sebesar 35%   Rp251,101 million, decreased by 35% or Rp132,592 from 2020
            atau Rp132.592  juta dari tahun 2020 yang sejumlah Rp383.694   which amounted to Rp383,694 million. The decreased was
            juta. Penurunan dipengaruhi oleh  recovery atas piutang   influenced  by  the  recovery  of  non-performing  receivables
            bermasalah yang dimiliki perusahaan dan penurunan atas   owned  by  the  Company  and  a  decrease  in  the  supporting
            biaya konsultan pendukung proyek penasihat keuangan.  consultant fee of financial advisory project.

            Laporan Tahunan 2021                           108
            PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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