Page 99 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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                                                                                          Highlight 2020
            PROSPEK USAHA


            Proyeksi Perekonomian Indonesia Tahun 2021
            Indonesian Economic Projection in 2020

            Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia diprakirakan akan pulih   The growth of Indonesian economy is estimated going to be
            di tahun 2021 meskipun BRIDS memperkirakan belum akan   recovered in 2021 even though the BRIDS predicts that it is still not
            kembali pada level pertumbuhan rata-rata sebelum pandemi.   going to return to the average growth levels prior the pandemic.
            Proyeksi BRIDS berada di bawah asumsi pertumbuhan ekonomi   The projection of BRIDS is under the assumptions of economic
            dalam  RAPBN  2021. BRIDS  memperkirakan  pertumbuhan   growth in 2021 RAPBN. BRIDS estimates the economic growth
            ekonomi di 2021 akan di kisaran 2,9-4%, di bawah RAPBN   in 2021 will be in the range of 2.9-4%, below 2021 RAPBN which
            2021 yang memprediksikan pertumbuhan di kisaran 4,5-5,5%.   predicted the growth in the range of 4.5-5.5%. The uncertainty
            Ketidakpastikan dari pandemi Covid-19 diprakirakan masih akan   from Covid-19 pandemic is estimated to still occur in 2021, even
            mewarnai tahun 2021 meskipun kemungkinan produksi vaksin   though the possible production of vaccine began to be produced
            mulai di produksi dan didistribusikan di 2021 cukup tinggi.  and distributed in 2021 is relatively high.

            Memasuki 2021, kondisi ekonomi nasional diprakirakan mulai   Upon entering 2021, the national economic conditions is
            pulih.  Kondisi  “new normal” atau  adaptasi  kebiasaan  baru   estimated going to begin to recover. The “new normal” conditions
            ditambah dengan faktor  base effect yang rendah di 2020   plus the low base effect factors in 2020 encourage the economic
            mendorong kinerja perekonomian tumbuh tinggi di 2021 pada   performance to grow higher in 2021 in the range of 2.9-4%. The
            kisaran  2,9-4%.  Proyeksi  yang  dibuat  oleh  BRIDS  lebih  rendah   projections made by the Company are lower than the government
            dari asumsi pemerintah mengingat  downside risk dari belum   assumptions, considering the downside risk from the unexpired
            berakhirnya gangguan akibat pandemi Covid-19. Durasi pandemi   disruption  caused  by  Covid-19  pandemic.  The  longer  duration
            Covid-19 yang lebih lama mengakibatkan pada triwulan I   of Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the Q1/2021 even though
            2021 walau pun perekonomian sudah tumbuh positif tetapi   the economy had grown positively but still relatively low. The
            masih relatif rendah. Dampak tingginya korban jiwa, lonjakan   impact of high casualties, the spike in business termination
            penghentian usaha  dan pengangguran yang relatif besar   and the relatively large number of unemployment have made
            membuat proses pemulihan aktivitas ekonomi memerlukan   the recovery process of economic activity requires longer time,
            waktu yang lebih lama sehingga mengurangi kapasitas produksi   thereby reducing the national production capacity (loss of human
            nasional  (terjadi  loss of human capital).  Kinerja konsumsi   capital occurance). The performance of society consumption
            masyarakat masih diprakirakan relatif lambat akibat daya beli   is estimated to be relatively slow due to low public purchasing
            masyarakat  rendah  walau  pun masih  didukung  oleh program   power, although it is still supported by the ongoing social
            bantuan sosial penanganan Covid-19 yang masih berjalan. Tahun   assistance program of Covid-19 handling. In 2021, the Province
            2021, Upah Minimum Provinsi diprakirakan tidak meningkat   Minimum Wage is estimated to not increase in accordance with
            sesuai arahan dari Kemenaker.                     directions of the Ministry of Manpower.

            Program pemulihan ekonomi berjalan namun membutuhkan   The economic recovery program is running but requires the
            waktu yang relatif lebih panjang. Langkah-langkah reformasi   relatively longer time. The reform steps to increase the efficiency
            untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas serta iklim usaha   and productivity as well as the condusive business climate are
            yang kondusif berjalan dengan baik membantu proses pemulihan   running well to assist the economic recovery process. Investment
            ekonomi. Investasi mulai menggeliat kembali namun masih pada   has begun to revive but it is still at the relatively low level
            level yang relatif rendah dibanding kondisi sebelum pandemi.   compared to the conditions before the pandemic. The recovery
            Proses pemulihan masih berjalan dengan tren yang meningkat   process is still ongoing with the increasing trend but requires the
            namun membutuhkan periode pemulihan yang lebih panjang.   longer recovery period. The reform steps is expected to provide
            Langkah-langkah reformasi diekspektasi akan memberikan   support for the acceleration of economic growth at the end of
            dukungan terhadap percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada   2021 and the following years.
            akhir 2021 dan tahun berikutnya.

                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas

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